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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ok. I just don't want to go through all the effort of finishing my space station to find it'll be catching the atmosphere in a short time and breaking up. I'm guessing It'll be a while though if I get it pretty damn close to perfect. Or perhaps I would be best to get it so it's gaining altitude slowly?
  2. Hi I'm having trouble with putting my space station into orbit properly. I can't seem to get a stable orbit at a designated height. Every time I get it there it is always fluctuating on one side of the other, going down a meter a second or rising instead. Is there a better way to level these out that I've not figured yet, or do I simply need to be more precise with my trajectories?
  3. I just saw it today. It's by far the best film I've ever seen a the cinema, and in my opinion has set a new bar for film. Anyone who thinks they might like it or are on the fence should simply go see it. It has to be seen on the big screen in 3D, anything else simply wouldn't do it justice. I was unsure about it, and thought perhaps it may be boring, lack any form of depth and have nobody to become invested in. I was entirely wrong on every single count.
  4. Interesting. Food for thought. I'm chugging along quite happily now, figuring out these damn shuttles one failed launch at a time. I'm starting to enjoy my failures again, which is great. Nothing quite like watching something you've spent so long designing start falling out of the sky like a stone in the most horrific way imaginable. It kinda gives you a renewed respect for the power of gravity and such. Cheers for the information fellow Kerbonoughts!
  5. I see. Never mind about that then! Cheers for the help people. Questions answered!
  6. Cheers for the replies people. I'll try getting back into it. It's annoying because I was on an absolute ROLL for a while, getting my heavy lifters and space station sections sorted. Then I got to the shuttle and BOOM an absolute halt in progress. As the name suggests this was an earlier prototype but the problem is still here. See the radial attachments between the giant orange tanks and the outer jet rockets? Only the top pair are actually attached to the outer jet rockets, hence the connecting struts. Am I doing something wrong in attaching order here? To test manoeuvrability I used the orange tanks fuel and added a rocket to get it high enough, it was really good to control. When I ran out of fuel I used the jet engines to see if I could still control the thing and land it. I just didn't have enough power and it went into the most horrific spin in every direction I've ever had, it was quite awesome. Thus I'm redesigning the jet engines to have three intakes, which has caused all of the other problems. The final won't actually have a rocket engine, as the orange tanks are used for refuelling interplanetary craft, and thus would be empty on re-orbit. I use a heavy lifter for getting it to the orbiting station. I realise there is literally no point in having a reusable refuelling shuttle in this game, but damn it I WANT ONE! It all fits into my grand design.
  7. Hi Kerbonauts. So I've got my space station sections sorted and am about to put them into space, to create an orbital refuelling station to get to other planets. I'm building a shuttle to transfer up fuel and kerbonauts for the space ship I intend to build there, but am running into annoying problems. First of all, I'm having massive problems trying to get parts to attach properly on my shuttle. I'm creating two jet fuel tanks on either side of the refuel section, but I'll often be trying to attach parts ( onto the green attachment spheres on the parts ) and they just refuse to attach properly, often just trying to attach themselves to the side of the fuselage, not even pointing in the right way. It's simply aggravating having to fanny around with camera angles and tiny mouse changes in order to find the point to attach it, and it'll often not work at all. Are there ways around this? Secondly. I'm using two rapier jet engines on either side of the refuelling tank, am I right in thinking I'll need more than one air intake to power these fully? I built a prototype with one intake but I simply didn't have the power, and thus the shuttle was completely uncontrollable. Another point that is annoying me is attaching parts symmetrically etc. Sometimes I'll be attempting to do symmetrical wing attachments and instead of attaching on both sides of the entire rocket/shuttle/etc it'll attach on both sides of the single part on the one side I'm working on, clipping through the rest of the ship. Whilst other times it'll work exactly how intended. I also don't understand why building in the space plane hanger only allows single or double attachments, and not triple/quad etc like in the rocket hanger. Also, I'm having a problem with the radial attachment structure parts. I'll place a few down the side of a rocket to attach another rocket, or in this case my jet engines, and whilst the initial attachment works, any more attachments further down won't actually attach. Instead I have to use strut connectors. I don't want to have to install mods to get these basic functions and find out I have to update them all after a main update, and thus find it odd the team are focusing so much on career additions. Why not get the major functions completely sorted ( and parts added that are sorely needed ) now whilst working on career mode in the background, then release career mode in its entirety later on down the road? I'm not having a rage, I just find some of the building limitations/fiddleyness to REALLY impede in my enjoyment and ability to design what I'm wanting. I know exactly what I want and know that it should work, but sometimes it just takes so long to get something so simple to work as intended.
  8. Cheers people. Very helpful. Yeah I backed them up in case I ever need them, or in case I ever need to figure out how to do something specific. I'm not on landers and such yet, still building my first space station. Got my heavy lifters sorted and the first sections in place. Now I don't have to sift through stuff I'll never use though and everything looks so much tidier. OCD +1! Thanks again.
  9. I'm playing in sandbox and all of these ready made rockets that are ready made are getting in the way of my OCD. Is there any way to delete them? I don't understand why the button is disabled. It's annoying having to go through all of my alphabetised rockets and assemblies with all of these rockets and planes I'm never going to use cluttering up the lists.
  10. Perhaps there is a town on Kerbin called Pringfield that has in its center a statue of Jebediah.
  11. I would of thought Kredits was the best and most obvious.
  12. Build her a mega giant space station in the shape of a heart, piece by piece. If she doesn't appreciate the time and effort involved then you quite simply need a new wife.
  13. Very interesting information. Cheers people. I'll be putting the station at around 150km I think, my reusable shuttle will be able to make that easily, as its actual non re-usable launch system has quite a large range. In theory I could possibly get the thing to the 300km range, but the place is manned as its also going to be used for 'astronaut acclimatization' and perhaps be the area I actually build the rocket itself should that turn into something much larger than I have envisioned. This game kicks ass.
  14. Ahha! Cheers Raven, much obliged. My space station can now continue development! A new question then, how do I change this thread to answered?
  15. Hi Kerbonoughts. So I'm currently designing and building my first space station, but have run into some design bottlenecks and need a way around them. I've got my heavy lifter sorted, and have experimented putting sections into orbit. I reckon I'll be able to pull this together, so I'm working on 'reusable' shuttles in order to ferry both passengers and fuel, using the station as a fuelling platform for interplanetary rockets I intend to build later. Is there any way to have three of the same type of fuel canisters stacked, but have it so only one of them is actually being used to fuel the booster? I want to use two of them for orbital refuelling so they need to stay completely unused, so I use the third to align the orbit and dock, and use anything left over to land back at base. I was experimenting with jet fuselages, but these obviously won't be any good for orbital alignment, wouldn't be any good for fuelling an interplanetary space ship, and they completely screw up the balance on account of them being shaped so differently! Also, Is there any preferred height for space station orbits? The ISS is at a 330km orbit, but due to KSP scaling this just seems far too far. What would be considered a low earth orbit in KSP? Cheers!
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