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Everything posted by Anonymus

  1. A wise man once said that you will be brainwashed and given cake: It's GLaDOS all over again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :( !!! On the lighter side, I've been listening to the KSP Main Theme reversed but..... MUST PLAY MOAR KSP AND EAT CAKE....DON'T LISTEN TO SQUAD! THEIR TRYING TO BRAINWASH US INTO PLAYING MOAR KSP..... CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. It's GLaDOS all over again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :( !!!
  3. So I was thinking, what is I (and a few other people, duh) make a Hypersonic Lander Probe, and, to test, we'll send it to Jool, piloted by me. But don't worry, cuz I'll also have MechJeb to land and maneuver for me, but the rest is in my hands. So send me some complicated designs and math equations (don't forget launch test vids, so I know how to fly it, obviously). Also, give feedback, cuz I need support, the good and the bad. So Come One Come All, and help me in my quest for solar domination! Note to self: don't tell anyone else of my plans.
  4. Does anyone have any good subassemblies for me? Please post, I need moar things to put on the bottom of me rockets!
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