Suggestion number2: make it possible to make your own missiles, where you can attach things. maybe even with autostaging. for example if the speed is higher than 1km/s and target is closer than 2km then stage.of course customizable with an screen where you can drag [and] , [or] and [not] program blocks and things like speed or hight, which makes the rocket even more complex, and connect it with lines, which makes like a program, wich then help guiding your would be great for haveing sepratrons and an booster attached for slowing the rocket down. Custom rockets: rockets which hve other rockets attached would be useful. AutomaticTargetingSystem: add in the vab or sph an function when you rightclick at the rocket( like the thrustlimiter), which is called "AutoTarget: [On/Off(default Off)]" you could combine ot with my other suggested functions(which would be complicated to add)to make a large misslie with some small rockets. the rocket flies towards the target [2,5km distance] it activates the brake-booster to improve its accuracity then it detaches the small rockets which are limited to 20% thrust. then the big rocket explodes at target. the small rockets seek the parts and destroys them.