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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hmm, I think there are some problems with that solution. I tried putting, say mesh=Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallTri/model.mu and it didn't load the part. After looking a bit deeper into this, I found an alternative: MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/adapterLargeSmallTri/model } The models load, but the scale or nodes are off. I think at the moment I will just have to stick with duplicating the models...
  2. I don't really use 5m parts in my saves, so I would have to look into perhaps creating some separate set of parts for 5m size. I might look into that when I'll be reworking the parts a bit.
  3. KW Docketry is CreativeCommons, so one doesn't really need an explicit permission to use it as long as some rules are followed.
  4. I really enjoyed the SRB Nosecone from KW Rocketry, but it only came in one size. I scaled up their SRB Nosecones for 2.5m and 3.75m parts. I do believe these parts require the original mod to run properly. The mod can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6sojjqgi3qvoe9v/TPModMod.rar Screenshots - http://imgur.com/a/o5TAV .
  5. Playing around with some big rockets it became obvious to me that KSP lacked some parts in proper sizes. So I took stock parts and resized them for various unavailable sizes. This mod contains the following resized parts: Modular Girder Adapter Modular Girder Segment Modular Girder Segment XL Station Hub in 0.625m, 2.5m and 3.75m sizes. It also contains: 1.25m Bi adapter 1.25m Tri adapter 1.25m Quad adapter XL Radial Decoupler XXL Radial Decoupler 3.75m Battery bank (also stores Megajoules for Interstellar mod) 1.25m Xenon Tank XL Linear RCS Thruster XL RCS Thruster Block 3.75m RCS Fuel Tank Mod can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kx15c7viy1rm5xe/TPMod.rar Part album - http://imgur.com/a/i1MdX All models come from Squad's stock parts, .cfg files were modified from Squad's stock parts.
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