Before I had read the forum or knew this challenge existed, I attempted this mission. I launched a massive mothership to carry 8 Kerbals to Jool and land all the moons. The mothership contained a MK2 Capsule, a habitat, and a science module. It was joined by Jebediah flying up a SSTO space place (that was refueled in Kerbin orbit) and a more traditional lander. However, as it ended up, the lander did not have enough delta-V to accomplish the Tylo landing (on paper yes, in practice no). So despite the mothership returning with fuel to spare, I only got science from low orbit in Tylo. I'll have to send a return mission that can also hit Tylo and do this mission proper. Since the first mission mostly collected science and then transmitted back after processing (the space plane and lander each returned to Kerbal's surface, but that only gave me 2 sets of instruments), I should still have some collecting to do at the other moons as well!