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Posts posted by Sutima

  1. I had this problem too. I think i found the source.

    I belive it is the DeadlyReentry-KMRocketryFairings.conf. Because the statusbar hang up at KW2mSRBNoseCone and this ist the first part witch is modified in this cfg. I'm nod a modder, but i searches the web an i think therer are some errors in this file.

    This is how the first entry looked. the following entrys looked similar.

    @maxTemp = 1523.15 emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000

    I think the problem is, that emissiveConstant = 0.9 has not the right operator in front. I looked in the patched KWRocketry Part.cfg and dosn't find an antry for emissiveConstant = 0.9. If i see this correct stands the @-operator for modify, but there is no such entry . Because of that i edit all 'emissiveConstant' in DeadlyReentry-KMRocketryFairings.conf and add a % in front of them (% = modify or add).

    Now the games starts correct for me.

    Thsi is the complete file, yust find DeadlyReentry-KMRocketryFairings.conf in GameData\DeadlyReentry ind youre KSP folder end replace its content with this.

    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000
    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000
    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000
    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000
    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012
    skinMaxTemp = 2000
    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000
    @maxTemp = 1523.15
    %emissiveConstant = 0.9
    name = ModuleAeroReentry
    skinThicknessFactor = 0.1
    skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000

    I hope thats not the wrong solution an it works for everyone else.

    And before blaming Starwaster, i think he dosn't update because KWRoketry isn't officaly updated for 1.0 atm.

    Oh, and sorry for any misspelling, my school english isnt very well :(

    Thank you kind sir !!!

  2. Little confused, as a long time fan of this Mod, and recently came back to KSP after 3-5 months away, what is with all the versions now?

    I knew the Basic Launch Pack and the Exploration one, but what is special about the Historic one? I've read the details, and seems its just the same parts as Explore one, but early models? Huh.

    Also too many packs to come back too. One Complete All-in-One download, be nice..

    Thanks for this though, Big fan of it and SpaceX design, Only reason I am here!

    EDIT: Your download links are also all funky mate. Hover over .24 and shows one url, hover over .2, and shows another URL completely...

    I for one don't like the idea of an all in one pack as i don't use the exploration or historic pack =).

  3. Has anyone ever made kerbals into debris?

    I was using the pack-rat with 4 seats, one guy gets out, he's in the middle of the car, kraken strikes, other passengers get flung off due to the rotational forces. They survive the landing, but as debris, can't control them, their like little kerbal statues on the mun now... I'll post of video of the kraken strike a bit later (after work).

    Yeah, i cant use the rover at all without the kraken striking, i cant change ships and then change back without kraken striking down on me hard, Its like it loses all physics and what not, start to rotate and sling my kerbals out =(.

    First time using the rover apart from testing around the VAB and i was so happy to use it after a long journey =/.

  4. It's really pretty, but I wonder if you're planning on DR/FAR compatibility, or going the same route as KSO? Or actually "do a fully powered landing" way, because it's big and scary?

    though honestly I wouldn't even complain about FAR compatibility if stock made fairings useful. DR, though, I love DR

    I think that making a mod or parts without FAR and DRE in mind these days are odd and i hope FAR and DRE support gets included.

    Maybe even make it so you can create spare parts with MKS to repair Heatshield and what not =D

    Also, Awesome job Rover.

  5. Is there a problem with the 0 resources? These one were necessary (I think around .23).

    Sorry for late response, Yes there is if maxamount is set to 0 there is a problem with cost being NaN.

    Might only be with tweakscale, but yeah i reported it for 2 other mods aswell.

    This is for another part pack but the result is the same, when i changed maxamount = 0 to = 5 the problem was fixed ( you have to edit the craft file aswell)


  6. TriggerAu has a pull request for Drag & Drop sorting of the servos in the group editor & input locking that will prevent clicking parts TRHOUGH the window.

    BloodyRain2k has a pull request for a stock toolbar implementation for those that must refuse to use toolbar plugin.

    So what have I been doing? Here is this sneak preview (NOTE: I'm testing limits (hardcoded within the CFG) that's why it stops in one direction and ignore the debugging coordinates.


    I want it, i really want it!

  7. I just downloaded it, and the Ejection is working fine, but the Parachute is not deploying. I'm playing .24.2 and the I have downloaded the plug so every kerbal carries one chute from the start. But I think I might be doing domething wrong during instalation? How exactly am I supposed to instal, both the plugin and the mod? thank you!

    are you clicking the Open chute button ? Works for me Ksp 64 bit.. Also, the plug that gives all kerbals a chute still requires the mod and plug. Read first post.

    If you still don't get it, Download and install in this order. 1# The plug 2# the mod 3#the plug that gives all kerbals a chute .

  8. As i wrote page earlier, config for DRE is not enough - part has no working physical collider (the mesh error in log), resulting in burning parts attached to capsule (like docking port and nose cone for example). We need to wait until Laz makes it compatible with DRE, no way around it.

    It does, however, works nicely with FAR (since FAR calculates shape itself).

    Sorry, Posted just before i went to bed and was tired, diden't read your whole post and so i made a post without reading up on all of the facts first.

    I'm sorry to have linked you to my assness.

    read thru your post on P86 now.

  9. It should still function as a plain parts pack in 0.24, as it's not dependent on plugins.

    LIES =O..

    I get this [Error]: Actor::updateMassFromShapes: Compute mesh inertia tensor failed for one of the actor's mesh shapes! Please change mesh geometry or supply a tensor manually! Followed by a CTD


    Edit#1: thats when i select the Dragon V2, everything else appears to work without CTDs

  10. So discussion time :)

    First... you guys are getting on-rails converters for the particle collector and the drills in the next release. Atmo converters don't make a lot of sense since these don't operate on rails, and rely on speed and atmo pressure.

    Second. A common area of concern is the fact that we have infinite resources, with your only variance being efficiency. Efficiency was annoying without rails, and becomes irrelevant with rails (other than extreme cases).

    One could argue this could be a concern for manned bases (life support limitations), but as of now, I could just drop a probe core and a drill, add a REALLY big tank, and just let it ride on the rails till my Duna team gets there a year or two later, all with zero penalty for hitting more or less efficient hotspots.

    Other mods have solved this through resource scarcity and a lack of on-rails support. I would like to propose a different approach.

    Extractors will wear out over time.

    Basically, this is a function of how many running hours the equipment has been online and processing. It will result in a static decrease in reliability and output, eventually dragging down to zero (and a 'Broken!' status). This can be repaired through Kerbal EVA operations. So now you have an inconvenient choice. You can still run stuff on rails (until such time as it wears out and falls over), but you have to consider yield and cost (i.e. if your gear is only going to last 2-3 years, you may want to drop it on a hotspot with significantly better gains). Alternatively, you can land on a crappy spot and increase yield if you're willing to constantly EVA and keep the equipment operating at top efficiency.

    Lastly, efficiency comes at a cost and requires ReplacementParts. These are not cheap, and have to be hauled in (or manufactured if you have MKS).

    The net result should be gentle encouragement to consider efficiency, but still allow players to throw efficiency and cost to the wind and just go mine stuff.



    There are a lot of mods that add parts and new things to do, But few add Valuable long term content. Well this is it, and it adds a good platform for expanding upon it.

  11. http://puu.sh/aQ830/2a9998c569.png These are the Parts that have "RESOURCE


    name = ElectricCharge

    amount = 0

    maxAmount = 0

    isTweakable = false

    hideFlow = true

    } "

    Thx to notepad++ i can load Entire modfolders and do Word searches so its not that big a deal just sucks when i have to exit KSP all that time for this. But i fixed it for now =) Open notepad wordsearch for maxAmount = 0 Replace with maxAmount = 5 (load ALL folders) Replace do the same for amount = NaN Replace with amount = 0 And do this in all craft files aswell

  12. I get Price NaN on Most parts, Its due to electricity being Nan/0



    name = ElectricCharge

    amount = 0

    maxAmount = 0

    isTweakable = false

    hideFlow = true


    in the Config file, When changed to a positive value it will be all fine and dandy ( the max amount). Change it to IE maxAmount = 5 And its good.

    Tired of changing this manually on mods xD, As this is not the first one with this problem.

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