Please help! I can't figure out how to send data with high-gain antenna to KSC...
I'm new to Kerbalism and perhaps don't understand the data transmission. I've searched for answers but couldn't find any, so apologies if this has been answered before.
I've uploaded a screenshot here to show the mods I'm using (I don't think there's any conflicts), and another photo showing a probe landed on the moon with a high gain antenna and Kerbin visible in the distance. I've been able to send data from LKO using a low-gain antenna and from Mun orbit using a high gain... now I'm landed but for some reason I can't send any data. There is 632mb of data stored, but when I click the "DATA" button nothing happens. The familiar data menu doesn't show up, as it did previously with other vessels in orbit. Additionally, I used to show a green 'connected' line to KSC while in orbit, but now that I've landed it doesn't show (although I can still control the vessel).
What am I missing here? Much thanks in advance
*(great job on the mod by the way. I'm a BTSM fan looking for a different experience and this mod is really well made and very polished. I've enjoyed it thusfar, I also love the data being stored as MB/GB to be sent rather than a blue bar... which is why I'm so frustrated I can't get it to work now!)
EDIT: Never mind... seems there was a weird glitch with were I was landed. I launched, moved further away (I was on the edge of a crater) and tried again. Worked. I suspect that it assumed I was blocked by the Mun where I was landed, being that the terrain height was off. Just a guess, but call off the tech-support on this one. Turns out a bit of troubleshooting was the answer. Thanks all the same.