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Everything posted by CainEyebright

  1. OK, I'm getting a conflict with ActiveTextureManagement. It bogs down my loading times, then crashes the game since I added Stella and Odysseus on top of OPM...I had the ATMconfig from the OP in place already, so I'm not sure why it crahes now. Any ideas?
  2. Is there a download link for the beta kopernicus version and I just missed it somehow, or is there just the experimental version that _Augustus_ was asking for a download of?
  3. Could I get that dev copy as well? I'm having the same problem of not finding any of the new planets/systems
  4. Thank you! It appears it got installed with one of the other mods I updated for .23, so I never realized it was a separate one. Once I downloaded the latest version from your link and updated it, the arrow is in the corner of the box and I was able to move and resize the box.
  5. I apologize if someone has covered this elsewhere, but after a couple hours of searching, I still can't find an answer. How do I move the UI window that has the buttons for the different Mods? It is currently in the center of the screen and driving me crazy. I've tried dragging, right-clicking, alt, & ctrl with no luck so far.
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