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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. pilatomic


    Haha, loved it, had no difficulty to imagine Jeb with his creepy smile
  2. Arf, je suis de Dijon, c'est pas la porte à côté. Y'a pas de FabLab à Brest ?

  3. Yep !

    J'habite sur brest, en bretagne, france. Et toi ?

    je désespère de trouver localement des passionnés. j'ai pleins d'idées et pas de gugus dans mon genre pour partager cela...

  4. Salut !

    J'ai vu ton message sur le thread du simpit, t'habites dans quel coin ?

  5. Boh, I'm French and I like space :-)
  6. For sure, good thing I always take a backup battery From the probe at the North Pole of Eve : 388°, Sun exp : 0.92, Energy flow : 0.00 From the same probe, splashed into one of Eve oceans : 425°, Sun exp : 0.68, Energy flow : 0.04 Temperature measured by a thermometer mounted near one of my solar panels Definitely, temperature can not be the only factor !
  7. Just sent another probe to a more "common" landing site, and yep, during the descent, I could observe the output of my solar panels decreasing with the altitude, until getting very small when I landed. So KSP is indeed modeling this, and using fuel cells to go to Eve would be a good idea ^^
  8. Arf, the screenshot was taken at noon :/ Guess i will have to send another probe, with more batteries and fuel cells. Thank your for your answer !
  9. Hi, I just landed my brand new scientific probe to the north pole of Eve, deployed solar panels, then started to transmit some science, and ... almost ran out of battery ! It appears that solar panels show "Direst sunlight", Sun exposure = 0.75, but energy flow = 0 ! On Kerbin, it works perfectly, and I recharged my batteries with them while orbiting Eve. I tried to warp a bit so the sun would move, but it does not make a difference. Tried to switch vessel too, same thing. Restarted KSP, idem. Do you guys have any idea of what is happening there ? Am I missing something important / stupid ?
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