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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. - - - Updated - - - the kethane large drills are in the ground. i didnt even go threw with the auger because i right clicked on it and it wont extend or retract. And it has no animation will it still work? BTW the kethane drill works for kethane just not ore.
  2. Hey guys i have a quick question. So i sent up to the moon a scanner and i found some nice 19k ore deposits and landed a miner and a smelter. I linked them together using kas and i noticed i'm not mining ore as i use it? So i sent one mine with the augers and one with the kethane drills. Neither seem to mine, is there a fix to this or whats wrong? Tell me if you need screenshot or anything.
  3. I need alittle help with a question i have. So i have a working telescope in orbit making .50 science a day. where does that science go? can i use it to research in the tech tree?
  4. ive heard some bad things about clean boots... would it be safe and will i have to do it every time i want to play kethane? also i turned my AV off which is MSE and it still persisted.
  5. i moved ksp to local disk and ran the .exe and the problem still persisted
  6. this did nothing. am i supposed to still run it from steam or the exe in the game folder that i moved to local disk. thank you for trying to help
  7. Also if i go to the space center on the ground i can not turn around and leave it. he only mod i have is kethane When i try to leave the space center this is the message i get "[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
  8. So I installed the mod correctly and it works fine. but when i have a probe in orbit scanning i can not go back to the space center. i tried turning all the scanners off and nothing. when i click space center it says no target. can someone help me fix this please. Bump
  9. So I installed the mod correctly and it works fine. but when i have a probe in orbit scanning i can not go back to the space center. i tried turning all the scanners off and nothing. when i click space center it says no target. can someone help me fix this please.
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