I am running KSP on archlinux. It has been working just fine but I recently ran into a strange issue which, I think, happened when I upgraded to xorg-server 1.15.0-5. I use XFCE4 which has a built in composting which I like to use. If try to run KSP with the composting on then I see the squad logo on top of my desktop with the loading bar (I could provide a screen shot if nessisary) and in the menus and game things are transparent so that I can see through to my desktop. This issue is very anoying but easy to turn off by disabling composting so it is not a huge deal but it would be nice if it was fixed. I did not used to have this issue. Hoj0 - I also want to change my mod key to super key. I am always throttling up when I want to transfer fuel.