Although I am new to this mod, and to its community, I will tell my story unaware if it has been told before. Consider it a bug report. 1st Launch, sending a small start to a space station. 2nd Launch, sending a large amount of power and solar array's. -Connected both together- Happy about my achievement and seeing no bugs for this mod with my friends before hand, I un-dock the probe that brought up the power to the station. They stay close and my camera moves to the station like it should. I then use the close proximity controller to change to the probe and send it home. -Station disappears- Confused, my friend tells me that its falling. After freezing, I reload and connect to the server, the station is in pieces and have fallen 80km in just a few seconds. -Crash- I return to the probe that brought the power up and it is in little pieces as well but still in orbit as no explosion has knocked it out of orbit. -End- 100% sure its a bug, and I just wanted to point it out just in-case it has not been found. I'm sure there are guys out there saying, "Google it, don't tell us something we don't already know." And to them I say, there is a lot of action on this mod already in this alpha state, 146 pages in the thread already, hard to find something without past knowledge or understanding of this multiplayer community. Thanks for reading, from now on I play with my friends but we do not attempt to build a space station again.