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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. @ Joecool: From which mod are these glass modules?
  2. They should add a weight readout, because that's the most boring part of calculating the Delta-V by yourself.
  3. I have to agree with Levelord. The ion engines are not under-powered, it's just that the burn times are very long. I used them once for a interplanetary probe, but after 45 minutes of burning to circularize around a planet i had enough. Now i only use them for probes/satellites in Kerbin and Mun orbits. The best solution would be to enable time warp when using ion engines, but i'm not sure if this is possible without drawbacks for the calculations done in KSP.
  4. Contracts, asteroids, bigger fuel tanks... sounds like a great update!
  5. My spacehotel with two docked escape pods for six kerbals:
  6. I tried a few times to build a STS-style shuttle, but i could never manage to get my center of thrust in line with the center of mass. Instead i have built a small Hermes-style shuttle with a rocket underneath: This is my version that can carry a small payload on top of it (without payload it's a lot more stable though). It doesn't have a real purpose (and it's not that pretty either), but i wanted to have atleast some kind of a shuttle in my fleet
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