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  1. Alright, I feel dumb, as I read like 200 different complaints about NP not loading and the answer was the mem reduction plugin. I just was confused, since it was not an issue prior to switching distro's. but the plugin worked and KSP loaded with NP. Thank you for all your help. Now I can again enjoy launching Kerbals into the sun. :-)
  2. Ok so here is the deal, there is no output file in the KSP_Data folder I want to find these logs. I want to know what is causing this. It has intrigued me and since it is preventing me from enjoying my favorite pass time I am bored. Also the reason why I think it is not a mem issue is because I had loaded the exact same config of KSP (I just copied my directory to my flash drive before re installing my OS) in a different linux distro on this computer no problem. It was only after my clean install that I ran in to issues. Any way, can you guide me to these elusive logs. I want to get to the root of this. In my KSP_Data folder is just asset files and 3 other foulders Managed, Mono, and resources, and no output file is in any of these 3 folders. Sorry, I am a bit noobish I guess. I will try to mem reduction plugin now and post if it solves. Thanks for all your help.
  3. I hope I am reading the right log but here is the linkhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/lvfwsguhy0k1do0/KSP.log and yes KSP works with out nova punch. I have other mods installed and I have removed everything and tryed with just NP and it crashes.
  4. Hey first post, new to forum and game, I guess been playing for a few months and have found that NP is essential to my game enjoyment, which leads me to why I finally registered and am posting. First and foremost let me thank you for your time and effort in to making my gaming more enjoyable. You sir are a god and I have much gratitude for you and what you do. Now to the point of my post, I am running a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 (as of yesterday the day before I had bodhi and everything was working great in ksp just the distro is garbage in my opinion but this is neither the time or place) with a fresh install of KSP .23 and NP as of today. When ever I load KSP x86_64 it crashes, I checked the crash log and it is not a mem issue. I read two other posts that detail this issue (one in this thread the other on the download page) Any idea's on a fix? or an ETA for a fix? As I said I really enjoy your mod. Specs for my system Intel Core i7 3630QM 2.4 GHz Nvidia GEForce 730M 2GB dedicated VRAM 6 GB DDR3 As noted before I am not hitting my memory limit it just crashes. TL;DR I am not running out of memory but on 64 bit Linux issue NP crashes KSP. Any help/suggestions or ETA on a fix? Thank you much sir your mod is amazing.
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