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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. "Post scarcity" is really just an extreme case of socialisim. Everyone gets their fair share (or options worth their fair share- might as well call it money) while the labor force (the robots) do all the labor they are best suited to. Imagine if the entire world got retirement benifits at age 16, paid for by the Robot Overlords. Enough money to live comfortably their whole lives. (though life extension therapies would be banned unless you moved off world) But some people would make work their hobby, like a resteraunt that charges extra to have food served by real live human waiters, or an engineer that finds designing a new 3dprinted gadget intelectually stimulating.
  2. Revised version: 150 tons to orbit, 1157 tons on the pad, 105 parts including payload, FAR and Stock Rebalance. FAR penalty: -240 Part Count: -525 Launchpad mass: -290 +10 for over 1000 tons Payload: +3000 Kerbals: +10 Room for Error: +40 =2005 points Edit: there IS a docking ring Sr on the back.
  3. I'm not so sure about that... the orange tank lifter is only about 2 orange tanks tall, not countng the payload. My lifter (up to the stack separater that I'm calling "payload starts here" is about 4 orange tanks tall. His might be wider, but I do think mine is heavier.
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76653-Modding-Mondays-Stock-Rebalance-Project Basically, it's a mod for people who think the ARM engines are too efficent for their thrust, and fixes a few of the weaker engines while they're at it. I use the fueled nosecones and adapters and the nerfed engines. Hmm, taking 220 tons off the launcher+payload, and giving up extra fuel...
  5. Look at Distance traveled over land. I flew west, and maintained about a 1.5 TWR outward burn for most of my orbit. I was at 60 km on a kerbin escape trajectory most of my flight.
  6. Mods are FAR and Stock Rebalance. 150 tons to orbit with Fuel to Spare. (this was my Apollo to Dres and back mission) (3000 points for payload +70 for fuel -200 for FAR) Launcher is 88 parts (payload is part bloated, however) -440 points 1422 tons on the pad 71x5=-355 points Size matters, Kerbals in space. +20 Totals: 3090-995 = 2095 points
  7. If it's the one I remember hearing about, they dont. It's an old probe NASA abandoned years ago, but was found again, still alive and still had a bit of delta V left. We're coming up on a close earth flyby, to put it on a new orbit, but NASA has no plans for it. But the internet does.
  8. Saturn might be a better choice from a livability perspective, as it has closer to an earth gravity
  9. Cost per pound, sure, but I'm pretty sure refueling Skylon will cost less than the thousand nukes useed to launch a minimum sized orion. Personally, I'm waiting for North Korea to give a big middle finger to the Test ban treaty and building a real Orion.
  10. Didnt NASA get a biigger budget this year than in the last few administrations? I mean, it's not like there's been a war on or anything to distract people...
  11. My understanding was the the shuttle was originally going to have a titanium or tungsten hull to withstand atmospheric reentry, but their budget got slashed halfway through, and they spent three times as much figuring out the foam glass heat shield they ended up with.
  12. If Planetary Resources ltd launches an orbital factory capable of producing cheap, dirty space probes out of earth-crosssing asteroid materials, NASA will pay them the fortune that they save in launching it. (they might pay a little less, but the cold facts of buerocracy is that if they ever have money left in the budget at the end of the year they lose it.)
  13. I landed on Tylo for the first time. However, I spent too much delta V pogoing to make it back into orbit
  14. It gets jammed by solar output, without VERY sensitive intriments. Take a flashlight down to the ballpark, and go stand near the floodlights, and see how well it can be seen. Mars is smaller, so it has a hard time holding heavier elements, like oxygen, against the solar wind. Venus is only a little smaller than earth, but has more solar wind to deal with- It's problem is having too MUCH heavier elements, like carbon and sulfur.
  15. How does a Basic Jet on laythe compare (in power output per ton, ignoring fuel costs) to RTG or solar cells at Jool?
  16. Define life. There is single celled "life" here on earth that thrive without oxygen, without carbon, without water. However, that life still uses DNA, and is limited to enviroments it can protect DNA from. One of the reasons a Europa Submersable mission is so appealing, is because all the elements of earthlike life could be there. Free oxygen isnt, but peroxide ice is.
  17. Not downloading 1.3 till after my Grand Tour mission- weakening my reaction wheels will make maneuvering this whale even more painful I lost three stages of fuel to a fuel line mistake and a staging order error, and still got the rest of it up there...
  18. It still cant hold a handle to a Lithium Ion battery per Kg. It just isnt kinetically possible.
  19. Hit a few engineering snafus, otherwise I'd have been able to bring even more fuel. Will have to correct that.
  20. You have to switch back to your booster before it drops below 23km, or the game will delete it. As for reattaching stages, that will require careful docking port engineering.
  21. Ooh, does that mean generating complex vectors is allowed? :3 It is assumed for the purposes of relativity that your vector can be represented by a Real Number that is some fraction of the speed of light. However, if it was possible (somehow) to generate a vector with an Imaginary component (that is, accelerating perpendicular to the speed of light), the math shows that the lightspeed singularity is only a infintismal point, blocking the Real numbers. The closer you get to this point, the more relativistic effects you get, but because you pass through "C+2i" or whatever instead of "C", your mass never goes infinite and you can keep accelerating past it.
  22. I didnt see a delta V map in the wiki... could someone show me where it's at?
  23. Or perhaps one for Refueling Costs per launch... how much does it cost to spawn the tanks you need to refuel.
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