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  1. Today I finished building my Spaceshuttle. It first had major stabilty issues, but now it is very easy to control. It will still need some thrust correction in flight though. Here are some pics of the first succesful flight (landing is from the second flight, forgot to take pictures ): <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/G7zdB/embed"></iframe>
  2. Jup, really like to build aircraft. I'm really interested in militairy aircraft Don't really care about building SSTOs. So, this is about showing crafts: Here they are! I will start with my first replica, the SR-71 . Doesn't look quite as good as some others here (waaaaay too much replicas of this one, lol), but it's mine and I like it Next is my Airliner, inspired by every modern day airliner. And then I turned to some more militairy craft, a plane inspired by the Eurofighter being the first one. I use the old airfield across the sea as my militairy base, I have around ten to twelve aircraft on standby there in case a war will occur, including this one: The Avro Vulcan inspired bomber. (And yes, it does carry a nuke) I also created a Harrier VTOL recently: And today I created a Lockheed P-3 Orion, which I think is my best replica craft so far. The latest version is capable of flying non-stop for one hour at 2000 meters above sealevel. That means it is able to cover 720 kilometers, which is 2/3 of Kerbin. I think it's quite impressive for a propeller plane Here is a picture of it in the SPH: Or course you need a picture above the sea, because it was designed as an anti-submarine craft. So, here it is: The crew still has fights about adding this plane to the Airforce... I heard very different reactions... Hope you like them! If there is any interest, just let me know. I will post the craft files later then. My next plane will be the C-130 Hercules, I think.
  3. Beta release is up! Have fun! - Djens58 -
  4. Hello everyone! Last week one of my friends (WastedRhino) and I (Djens58) have started to make some mods for KSP. We designed them just for fun, but we thought you guys might also like them. Our goal was to create some sources we could use to power stations, bases and ships with. Here is what we came up with (so far!): The LFGEN-5, a small generator that uses oxidizer and liquid fuel to produce electricity. It's a very small generator, unlocked very early in the Tech Tree. Due to it's weight and size it is very useful in small probes, just to keep them running for a while. This picture will explain the details: Next: The LFTR-8, a nuclear reactor that uses Thorium as fuel. Here's a pic: It's a small 1,25m reactor, capable of a production of 15 charge/s. To generate this, it will require some electric charge (yep, it uses electricity) and of course Thorium. It can be turned on and off at any time. The Thorium can be stored in the ThC-1 storage container, which will supply you with 36 units. That will be enough to maintain your power levels for about an hour. Here's a picture of the container: And now we will present you the final mod we made so far: The FMK-15, the nuclear fuel generator. It's a 2,5 meter wide fuel generator. It produces liquid fuel and oxidizer, at the cost of heavy Kerbium-569 atoms and a lot of electricity. We thought it would be perfect for orbital refueling stations and bases. Oh, and be careful, just like the Thorium reactor it produces nuclear waste... Picture: Of course you will need a container full of Kerbium, and what a coincidence, we got one! It stores 160 units of Kerbium, which will be enough to fill five Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tanks. It will take a while though, about 4,5 hours. Well, hope you didn't get bored reading this post. Here are some extra notes (I'm sorry!): - We know the textures kinda suck... lol. We wanted to get the mods working first, and make models and better textures later. - We are planning to add some more features to these mods in later versions, like heat production, radiation and all other kinds of dangerous and cool stuff. - We will also be making larger and smaller versions of the mods above. Let us know what you think! We would love to hear your comments. Download links will be available soon! BETA RELEASE APRIL 10 2014 Here is the beta release. Works with both 0.23 and 0.23.5. We did not test the mods on earlier versions. Please note: This is a beta. We are still improving this mod. Any feedback on balance/looks or whatever will be appriciated! Our goal is to make this as realistic as possible. Here is the link: http://www./download/7y1m7meqmkxymlo/ElementalKSP.zip Have fun!
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