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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey guys. I've just be searching over the thread but can't seem to find any clear answer. Can someone tell me what the suspension slider does for wheels/tracks? I've shifting it around and driving around KSC but I don't really notice anything? what's meant to happen?
  2. What does it mean when the HI/LO/MULTI/BTDT on the mini map is coloured blue, instead of Green and/or Orange? I've made separate satellites for each scanning devices and put them in their ideal orbital heights (250km and 750km) at 90deg inclination.
  3. I just did. It didn't really answer anything for me. I can see everything for all 3 plantoids, so Why is minmus and Mun only 90%? shouldn't they be a hundred.
  4. Hello guys. I just got SCANsat, and have set up 3 satellites in polar orbits with inclinations of perfect 90deg (100km alt.) around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus with all Scansat equipment. Kerbin reads 100% while Minmus and the Mun only read 90.0% each. Why is this? what is the other 10% and why am I not getting it? Thanks for any answers.
  5. Hi Sethnizzle, I just got the mod a few hours ago and I'm having a ton of fun now, I love packs that add to rovers because they are severley neglected in the stock game. I have a quick question though; The mastcam cannot be used as the 1st part/root part... is this by design or just a bug/oversight? because I can use it like a probecore to control my rovers, it's just inconvenient that I can't make it the starting part. Great mod anyways, how you continue on with more parts/updates
  6. Fractal, I don't suppose you could answer a few question I have as a new user to this awesome mod (couldn't find any answers on the wiki) -What do Water Storage containers do? -Is there anyway to vent/purge/get rid of depleted fuels (the amount that accululates even when reprocessing anticides) -Have you lowered the IVA science module textures or is their anything I can do to fix http://i.imgur.com/a8k5LRi.jpg (I don't use any texture replacement/compressor mods) thanks for any reply.
  7. -I don't have TAC, but I'll look into getting it when I get my new graphics card and make a fresh game. I don't suppose there is a way to get rid of the depleted fuels with the base mod? surely there must be and I'm just not seeing it.. -No, I don't have any memory management mods, don't suppose anyone else knows what might be causing the crappy textures? Also what does the water storage tank do?
  8. Hello guys, I just got this mod and have a few questions/queries; 1: what do you do/can you do with DepletedFuels from your reactors? the tiny amount that collects even when you process Actinides. 2 Why are the textures inside the sciencemodule so bad for me? I've watched tutorials and videos showing the IVA of the module and they don't look like mine at all. Has their been an update that has reduced the textures for some reason or what?http://i.imgur.com/a8k5LRi.jpg Thanks for any answers.
  9. [umm, I just tried quoting someone who had the same problem but it looks like it didn't post or something so I'll try again;] I'm having problems with the Horizontal stack winch. It's missing most of the context controls, won't let me retract/extend it when attached to a kerbal in EVA and isn't controllable via UI controls see here; normal winch controls. I can also control with UI and in EVA. It's got all it's functions. The horizontal stack. missing most of it's controls. Has anyone else encountered this? is it a bug? can I do something to fix it?
  10. I've got the same problem as ^, It's only with the stack horizontal winch though. Pics here; Normal, all 3 other winches are like this and I have eva controls when attached to a kerbal then the horizontal stack winch, Missing most controls, can't control it when EVA attached to a kerbal or with the winch UI control panel. Anyone else encounter this? any help?
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