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Posts posted by Metalmasher

  1. Wanted to note that I am having same issues as the OP with the instrument readout saying "NEW TEXT".  I also have the zoom map function working on Kerbin but not on The Mun or Minmus... haven't tried any other bodies.   The log is throwing the exception below.   (About 40 instances or so in the log.) Most likely the 40 occurances in the log are due to me clicking like a mad fool possessed during my testing ;-). At any rate... I have a new plain install of 1.7.3 KSP x64  with only ScanSat installed.  


    [LOG 21:45:07.187] [SCANsat] Height Map Of [Mun] Completed...
    [EXC 21:45:12.413] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        SCANsat.SCAN_Data.SCANdata.ROCS (Boolean refresh)
        SCANsat.SCAN_Unity.SCAN_UI_ZoomMap.get_ROCInfoList ()
        SCANsat.Unity.Unity.SCAN_ZoomMap.SetIcons ()
        SCANsat.Unity.Unity.SCAN_ZoomMap.setMap (ISCAN_ZoomMap map)
        SCANsat.SCAN_Unity.SCAN_UI_ZoomMap.Open (Boolean v, Double lat, Double lon, SCANsat.SCAN_Map.SCANmap m)
        SCANsat.SCAN_Unity.SCAN_UI_MainMap.OpenZoomMap ()
        SCANsat.Unity.Unity.SCAN_MainMap.OpenZoomMap ()
        UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke ()
        UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
        UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
        UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
        UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
        UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)


  2. 4 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


    Yep, FTP is ready to go for 1.1 itself, but not the dependencies. We're waiting on InterstellarFuelSwitch to update (the copy in the zip file is for KSP 1.0.5). Firespitter apparently is partially updated, and if that can be made to work, it can substitute temporarily.


    Hang tight. :)



    Ah.  So sorry... Dependencies :-)  Will hang tight. 

    Thank You.

  3. Hi NecroBones,

    I too am having z-fighting issues on the tanks with 1.1 prerelease. OP screenshot listed above is the same condition.    I have tried your suggestions listed in post.  Delete mm cache and let it rebuild, reboot, reinstall all to no avail.  My gamedata folder: 

    1. Squad folder 

    2. Interstellar Fuel Switch folder deployed from FTP.zip

    3. Module manager.dll and associated files

    4.  FTP 1.7 folder

    :-)  FTP is the first mod I am testing hence I only have folders pertaining to it.

    Any additional suggestions would be appreciated. 







  4. I have a problem with the 3m engines . Anyone know or have a fix for this. Engine graphic displays fine (mounted flush with bottom of tank) at build, launch and in orbit - until I switch to a new rocket via 'map' and come back to original rocket. Then the engine graphic has about a 2 meter gap between tank and engine.

    Engine (in this case Titan) performs fine with no wobble or abhorrent behavior at all times. Can probably live with it but it really wrecks my screen shots.

    Resolved: Sorry if I missed it in a previous post. Adding rescaleFactor = 1.57 in the part.cfg fixed it up.

  5. I have a problem with the 3m engines . Anyone know or have a fix for this. Engine graphic displays fine (mounted flush with bottom of tank) at build, launch and in orbit - until I switch to a new rocket via 'map' and come back to original rocket. Then the engine graphic has about a 2 meter gap between tank and engine.

    Engine (in this case Titan) performs fine with no wobble or abhorrent behavior at all times. Can probably live with it but it really wrecks my screen shots.

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