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Everything posted by roygbiv0415

  1. Just when you think that all rockets must look like rods and bundles of rods. This is waaay too cool
  2. After giving it a quick spin, I really liked the idea of yet another alternative way of generating electricity. However, even as of the latest version, I think the balance is still not quite right. In terms of electric charge generated per minute per 1000kg weight, the three OX+Fuel generators range from 600 to 180 and 190 for the TR-35, TR-20 and TR-24, respectively. When compared to the PB-NUK Thermoelectric generator, which does 562, it appears that the TR-35 is just about on-par, and the other two did far worse. This leaves no reason to choose these over a stack of PB-NUKs, which produces much more power for the same weight, without even consuming fuel. I'd recommend slimming the generators down a bit on both size and weight, so they have a charge generated/min/1000kg of around 1000 to 1500. This makes them inferior to solar panels (3000~9000), but clearly better then the PB-NUK; so there's a reason to ponder over which to choose. Also, it might be helpful to have a setting to only have the generator run when the total battery charge is lower than a certain percentage. It appears that now it drains fuel just as fast no matter the batteries are full or empty, and a mechanism for preventing careless waste of fuel would be nice .
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