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Everything posted by robopilot99

  1. Banned for not specifying what surface you are exitisting on
  2. Got a Logitech extreme 3d pro as well. I found it somewhere for around $15 dollars
  3. Awesome work! Any chance of a radial engine and acommpanying fuel tanks that will match the style of the pods?
  4. 1 / 10 you seem familiar but I can't tell
  5. Just fool around with a maneuver node. Obviously you'll need to burn prograde but you also should try pulling on the other markers. Just set the asteroid as your target and try to get the closest encounter possible before you reach your periapasis.
  6. The jet engines are massivly OP it's really easy to make a craft with a thrust-to-weight of greater then 1. As for the slowing down. Kerbin's apnosphere gets thick quick. Even the difrence from 10,000 to 1,000 is substanshal. the root of your problem is almost certainly apnospheric drag.
  7. Banned for making such a big deal about post 10,000
  8. You guys talk like all the concepts in this game are impossible to grasp. I'm 14 and I'm doing fine and my 12 year-old brother made it as far as Bop. That's the great part about KSP it makes rocket science so easy.
  9. I found one somewhere it was called (something) roster I'll post if I find it again
  10. This was so great. I'm still trying to get the hang of NEAR so congratulations for getting those to fly at all.
  11. I think it would be cool if the devs started a tradition of adding a new planet or moon every other version.
  12. I think you need to calm down. The modding scene here is working fine. I know that there is no centralized location for mods which can make it difficult to discover mods. This is partially due to squad not making a mod repository that was successfully adopted by the community and partially because everyone wants to do things different. I am personally hoping Kerbal Stuff will gain popularity and become an almost universal mod hosting solution (it also has many features on the to do list so be patient), but until then you can try visiting the mood showcase sub-forum. It works well because you can always find new mods all in one place. Overall I find you're getting too upset over this.
  13. Its best to catch it in interplanetary space so you can set up an arro braking maneuver. If you're uncomfortable with that just use maneuver nodes to get as close as you can. Experiment a lot missing the capture isn't a big deal.
  14. I have the Logitech 3D pro and I think its wonderful. I've tried KSP with regular gamepads but I find the joystick works really well. I am quite satisfied with my purchase.
  15. Hey I got one too. If I remember correctly you also have to invert the throttle axis to match the markings on the controller. Also keep in mind the estimated burn times will be off of you're using the throttle slider.
  16. There's no way that's correct. I can't remember ever meeting anyone who seriously thinks that the sun orbits the earth.
  17. This happened to me as well. Also hello there fellow DF player!
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