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Everything posted by charno

  1. Perfect, it works without this comma. It also works if I start with LC_ALL=C. Thanks for the tip and for fixing it in the next version.
  2. Thanks for your help. Well, I don't have any mods beside interstellar installed. The interstellar mod is the newest version. Without the fnmethaneTank I can start KSP, and a short test shows that KSPI parts are available at the VAB. I have the following folders and files in there: HexCans ModuleManager_1_5.dll Squad TreeLoader WarpPlugin .x86 is the 32 bit version, and .x64 is the 64 bit version. The linux version of KSP already supports 64 bits (but I don't think that this should matter, since KSPI runs at the 32 bit version at windows). Maybe this could be an argument to get some KSP players to linux if they want to try a lot of mods ;-) In another log file (the unity one which I didn't know about at the time of my old post) I found the following lines: I tried to have a look in the part.cfg, but didn't find a coma which seems displaced. I think this may be a bug in the part.cfg, but it could also be a bug in the PartLoader. Maybe one of the DEVs could have a look (KSP or KSPI)
  3. I have problems installing / using the interstellar mod on linux. What I did: - Download a fresh copy of KSP (Non-steam-version) - Update KSP - Download a fresh copy of Interstellar (0.9.2) - Install Interstellar (by copying the Game) - Start KSP (testet with KSP.x86 and KSP.x86_64) What happens: - The loading screen shows as usual, but the progress bar freezes at FNMethaneTank3-1. The intro words ("Adding K to every word") keep changing. This behaviour is reproductable. - After a test start with .x86, I wasn't anymore able to use the .x86_64 version, but I did not investigate further. I'm not sure this has to do with Interstellar or if this is a KSP problem. - The log doesn't show anything interesting, here are the last few lines: Do you have an idea where the problem could be? What more information can I provide to help resolving this problem? Did I do anything wrong? I'm not afraid to dig deeper or do some experiments, but time could be a limiting factor.
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