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Everything posted by Kyle5

  1. I'm cynical that there is even going to be a NASA by 2025. If we don't go broke (we're already renting spaceships) we'll need to live on that asteroid from all the pollution on earth
  2. No idea what the dream is saying, but maybe a dream dictionary could inspire you. To see or dream that you are on an island, signifies a state of mind where you're having thoughts and feelings about being isolated, lonely, on your own, or stranded in life. You are all by yourself with problem or a situation. Alternatively, an island may point to situations where you feel independent, self-directed, and autonomous. You are symbolically an island on to yourself. To dream of peanut butter represents unimportantness or issues that you don't care about. It reflects a unconcerned or carefree attitude about something in your life. To dream of Lego represents things in your life that feel good and have taken time to build. Often a symbol for a good friendship that has been formed over time. It may also reflect success or leisure time that you have worked a long time to have. [Original Text from dreambible.com]
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