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  1. I'm using 64-bit. That's why I'm so puzzled. I've also had larger groups of mods running than this back when I was using 32 bit. I have this, Kerbal attatchment, crew manifest, and a few other minor ones installed.
  2. I very much doubt it. I ran KSP fine prior to installing Interstellar, and after installing I monitored memory usage. This is a new computer, and it has 16 GB of memory. At the time that loading stops working, task manager states that only 33% of memory is being used.
  3. While loading up KSP with both the "current" build and with the "Experimental" build installed, my loading screen stops at "WarpPlugin/Spaces/sci/model" and refuses to go any further. I am puzzled, as this has never happened to me before. Any advice, or others having this problem?
  4. I went to try and manually update some of the b9 parts, but then I noticed that there were no part files included in the version I downloaded. Only model files. Odd, and unexpected, and this was a repeated occurance when I re-downloaded it.
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