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    Curious George

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  1. Just to give you guys a feedback. I've tested removing some mod's. I focused on those who could affect the productivity and found out 6 crew science labs and/or improved science labs made my productivity go negative, even with lot's of kerbals. I've removed those mod's, and even with the standard science lab showing productivity 0, the build process starts. Thank you for the assistance.
  2. Stil didnt' work... I'll try to use the link in spacedock, but guess there are other mod causing conflict...
  3. The Land Base has 1 pilot, 2 engineers and 2 scientists. The orbital has 2 pilots, 2 engineers and 6 scientists. I'll try to remove the mod and add again. It's strange because CKan did'nt warned me I'll need to update anything and Extraplanetary is not installed...
  4. I'm trying a simple vessel with 364 parts, 301.25 Electric Charge, 18 Liquid Fuel and 22 Oxidizer. In orbit I have a small station with no production, however I've docked a tanker with 45000 rocket parts, 13616 electric charge, 4455 liquid fuel and 5445 oxidizer... Nothing happens... Landed I have a ffacility with 4 drils working, 1 conerter transforming Ore into metal and 1 lab transforming metal into rocket parts. Even have enough resources, the build doesn't start...
  5. Hello everyone. I'm having an issue with this mod. I have all requirements to construct a new vessel, I select it from the list and clic to start build. It records on the Kerbal Alarm but the build never starts. Remains 0% even if the vessel is the active one. I have pilots, scientists and enginners on board, from level 0 to 3. I've tried with landed ships and on orbit of the mun, minmus and kerbin. Does anyone had similar issue and managed to solve?
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