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Posts posted by Nabbs1

  1. basically you can make a part grabable by putting this in the config of the part

    name = KASModuleGrab
    evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
    evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
    storable = true
    storedSize = 4
    attachOnPart = True
    attachOnEva = False
    attachOnStatic = True

  2. a couple SSTO's I been working on

    The first is a Fat VTOL SSTO I was building .. I have a stable hover at over 100 tons .. but it gets crazy after a few minutes.

    The second I had to get funding and build to save Jebediah from his last mission. Usually its much shorter but this version I had to put in a cargo bay.

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  3. That's one of the many variations I tried. While it would be nice if it worked that way, it doesn't. I'm having a hard time following the the code, but I figure I'll start here and work backwards: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/blob/master/moduleManager.cs#L417

    Did you get this working?

    I tried Both of these and both do not work.. any tips?

    @maxThrust = 210
    @maxThrust = 195


    @maxThrust = 210
    @maxThrust = 195

    Tried this and it does work thought if anything adds another "MODULE" to the Rapier I think it may break it.

    @description = NabbTech Certified! The R.A.P.I.E.R. (Reactive Alternate-Propellant Intelligent Engine for Rockets) is a joint venture between C7 Aerospace and the Rockomax Conglomerate. Designed to fill a gap in the design requirements for sustainable single stage to orbit aircraft, this engine combines the best of rocket and air-breathing thrust technology.
    @mass = 1.80
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
    @attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

    //!MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] {}
    @maxThrust = 210
    @maxThrust = 195


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