If by "separate" you mean "not parented" then yes I was. The node_collider wasn't showing at all, I know that for sure since the part has a somewhat irregular shape and some bits are inside/outside of the collision mesh. I tried various things for a few hours, posted here, tried various other things and then downloaded Unity. From there it was mostly smooth sailing, I'm mostly done with the 4 core parts of the set I wanted (some of them animated) and about to expand. As I said, I'm still using blender, but I don't go directly to KSP anymore. Can't resist talking a bit about the project The mod introduces a new manufacturer (KToys Ind.) that focuses on size 0, cheap parts with appealing look to introduce the science kids to this rocket thing. At the moment, I can barely reach 70k altitude with borderline legit rocket design using only KToys parts. The goal is to replace the first few nodes of the career research tree with those so the player starts by crashing unmanned toy-like rockets all around to gather the first few science points. To make this viable I have another project, Blackbox, that will add to the early science gathering but will (probably) require some coding. A simple KToy rocket next to the MK I pot with the 1st SRB. Currently reworking from scratch some of the parts you see here, but should give you an idea of the kind of look I'm trying to achieve.