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  1. I was attempting a Mun landing (so technically I did make it to space), but my keyboard sometimes sticks and you have to unhook it from the USB to reset it. So I'm 50 meters from landing and I think the w key stuck sending my lander spinning before I can reset the keyboard.
  2. You can activate an engine in staging, deactivate, create a new stage, move the engine to that stage, and activate via staging if the run test option isn't available and you want to use the part before hand and didn't set up the action groups.
  3. I have a slightly different issue with funds. I've enjoyed doing contracts to build funds to do missions. Money wasn't a problem until I started putting out long term stations and trying to run long term missions. Last night I had about 100k left after sending a mission to the mun. Dropped off the lander, planting flag (contract), tested an engine around mun (contract), and returned the rocket + engine to kerbin leaving lander on mun. Smashed the rocket into the ocean because I forgot chutes. Went back to mission control and suddenly I have 2M+ funds. I would really like to be able to just get a full accounting of the money because I always seemed to come back with more funds than I should have.
  4. SerhumXen


    Hello all! I've been playing KSP since October '13. I've been to most of the planets now though I haven't returned from all of them. My career consists mostly of getting there and crashing or getting there and then running out of fuel on the return. I love this game and it has really renewed my passion for space. My latest accomplishment has been orbital rendezvous and docking. My latest failure was building a Jool ship to explore the system and drop and retrieve probes on each moon. Everything was going well except I should have checked on the launch pad to see if I could undock my probes. Nope. Now I'm just going to skim the space near each moon, do the science, and return home. Can't wait for .24 to start career all over again!
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