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Everything posted by tetsuchou

  1. WOW! I can find it on CKAN now! I am sooooo happy! Thank you very much!!!
  2. Thanks a lot. I have published update of the 0.7 version on Kerbal Stuff just now. Is it ok if the zip file is with a version number? Like 'Spear of Longinus 0.7.zip' but the inside will be /Spear of Longinus ? Like: Spear of Longinus 0.7.zip \-GameData \-Spear of Longinus \-Parts \-Flags \-License.txt If it is not proper, please tell me. This is my first MOD. Please excuse me for my mistakes. Thank you. - - - Updated - - - It is a good idea but the spear is only about 24m long. (When it was in Solidworks it was about 2400mm and at I did't know the unit in unity was meter. So the first time I load it in the game it was like 2.4 kilometers) If you want to make a space elevator with KAS and a single spear, you might try to edit the .cfg file. The picture shown in the introduction is a "forced perspective". The orbit is actually over 10km. Like: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Europe_2007_Disk_1_340.jpg (The picture is from wikipedia)
  3. Thanks a lot for having questions. Excuse me for not explaining the practical usage of this MOD. Actually I just think it is cool and its practical usage is just being cool. I have edited the post for explaining it.
  4. Yes yes. Excuse me for not explaining what is it meant to do. Thank you very much for understanding. Actually I just think it is cool and its practical usage is just being cool. It will be cooler if we can make some big news. Hahaha And thank you for providing the English version of the news. I will also edit my post for adding the link explaining the usage. Thank you.
  5. I have problems adding it to CKAN. Someone could please help me?:confused:
  6. Introduction This is a fan-made Kerbal Space Program MOD of Neon Genesis Evangelion inspired by the official 20th anniversary plan. But we are faster than the official plan XD. (I wrote this in 2015 and after that the official plan was canceled due to insufficient funds) This mod includes a Spear of Longinus part and a Nerv flag. Download GitHub Repo Ofiicial Thread Link Archve Link Installation Unzip and put it in the GameData folder. You can find it in the Utilities in game. Credit In-game tooltip description from: http://wiki.evageeks.org/Spear_of_Longinus Flag picture from: http://wiki.evageeks.org/File:Nerv_Logo.png ============================================ What is it meant to do: 1.Actually I just think it is cool and its practical usage is being cool. 2.You can use it as a weapon to destroy something if you have any other MOD that can make weapons. Problems: Picture is missing, and my old computer has problems, I'm trying to find it back. This spear is not able to be stick in the grond because of the mesh colider is same as its outline, if you want to stick it in the ground like Ayanami Rei, it will BOOM. I'm trying to solve this problem. If you have any good idea, please tell me. Thank you.
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