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Everything posted by Patze

  1. I got icon in toolbar but nothing happens when I press it. Awesome mod btw, I have seen it in action here Edit: I got quite few other mods so any known possible conflicts maybe? This is best I can explain it pretty much sadly, got like zero experience from modding KSP.
  2. Why I thought it was bug is that even though numbers turn red, maximum heat dissipation also drops, which I think should stay the same be it insufficient or not while receiving power with transceiver from network. Total heat production also stays the same so it doesn't seems to be taking radiator network to account. It's just that dissipation power in thermal helper drops for some reason.
  3. Thanks for making this awesome mod etc. I actually made account to post this odd thing with thermal helper I found while fooling around with new parts. Somehow transceiver drastically affects thermal helper values which seems to be buggy maybe?
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