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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I read them and there is nothing in there that the bug is still persistent in v0.25 presuming that all known issues are fixed that are known. As i already stated in the first line: (previously reported on V0.24 as well)
  2. KSP Version: v0.25 (previously reported on V0.24 as well) What Happens: Parachutes deployed after reloading a quikesave are no longer deployed and are in "Cut" mode when reloaded. Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock Steps to Replicate: 1) Make ship with parachutes. 2) Gain altitude and wait until gravity pulls you back. 3) Deploy chutes. 4) Quikesafe (F5) 5) Quikeload (F9) Result: instead of resuming falling with chutes deployed, your ship accelerates to terminal velocity until impact. Fixes/Workarounds: - Don't quikesafe/reload while chutes are deployed.
  3. [mod edit: Merged new thread here.] NASA recently discovered caves on the moon. While it would be a bit hard to create, i think it would be fun to remodel MUN to include caves as well that your kerbals can explore. Maybe in the future if/when moon-base goals are an option for the Kerbals then those caves can provide with additional goals and contracts. http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/lunar-pits-could-shelter-astronauts-reveal-details-of-how-man-in-the-moon-formed/
  4. 1) Depends on where you land on eve and if the craft is full of fuel at the moment you land. Most of the ascend on eve are in atmosphere so you'd be better off designing a craft that can do 12K delta-V in atmosphere. 2) Depends on how you plan your decent. Chutes are a good option but the gravity on eve will rip your ship to pieces if you don't design it well enough. As for how many: depends on your landing weight and velocity. 3) Mk1 lander can is very heavy and you'll be having a hard time getting the right Delta-V. Weight is everything. As for ladders: the gravity on eve is allot higher as Kerbin, so if your ladder doesn't reach the ground you'll strand your kerbal on EVE.
  5. Surface TWR of 1.53@kerbin isn't going to get you off the ground on Eve, sorry but i don't think your 16 mainsail ship is going to get off the ground until it expends so much fuel that it doesn't get back into orbit. Delta-V isn't the only value you have to watch when you try to launch from eve, you have to watch your TWR as well. As for dumping chutes and landing gear, this is because its much easier to get a light ship into orbit.
  6. 10% would be a bit on the low side, the rescue ship has to sync up its orbit with the lander before an attempt is made to eva onto the rescue ship. The Design is up to you. As long as you bring enough fuel to get them back.
  7. Maybe re-entry heat should be implemented as an option.. like you start a career with or without heat and so on... gives the game different difficulty levels that way without fundamentally changing the game.
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