Tenneko Kazeno
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Everything posted by Tenneko Kazeno
Thanks Manwith, we're always happy to see people helping out. I would suggest creating a new thread for your addons like I'm going to with a link back to here. I've had no time to work on this due to a move so its nice to see someone made progress, and that nothing broke with the .24 update. Did you do all of the SPP parts? Are you interested in providing support for more mods? If you do start another thread, remember to include links to each of the mods you have created a compatibility patch for. mJrA: Right now, LLL is not supported, I was working on a patch for it, but then he made those new awesome models which made all the maps I made worthless. I'll get back to that eventually. To install new part patches open up the zip file, if inside that file there is a gamedata folder, simply merge that folder with your ksp gamedata folder
Hey guys, sorry I've been gone so long, home and job probelms. I'm going to take your advice and start up a new thread so my additions are easier to find. I will probably do B9, D12, and spaceplane plus as I get time but most of what I did for LLL is now trash due to the updated models he made. Also, I've somehow lost access to my mediafire account and so had to set up a new one. As soon as I have made some progress, probably on SPP, I'll post the new thread.
Praise the suuun: I wish i could help you, but I'm not a programmer. I would suggest that you start a thread here. They will most likely be able to help you more as they regularly talk about retexturing projects. You could also try and get ahold of SWDennis and see if he had similar problems making his parts. It could be you need some special settings in the config. Have you tried your modded parts with one of the shader mods that changes how KSP's lighting system works? If they work under those conditions you know it is an issue with the stock shaders. Also, all of the parts seem to be either light or dark, did you get any of the panels that were between shades? I hope something in this rambling helps you, and I say your best bet is to ask the guys in the texturing area if they have thoughts on this. MegaLODEN 720: Nice ship,love the colors. Any chance we can get a few different angles on that?
Okay, this could be a couple issues. All Kerbpaint does is overlay a shader on top of existing textures, using a map created from those textures. So, it is possible that it will conflict with other shader mods. It could be that Kerbpaint is trying to load the shader, but KSP is reloading the .png file causing conflicts. Looking at the pics you put up, it definitely looks like something is confusing KSP's shader plugin. Have you tested these panels with other mods that mess with shaders? Are you using my addon? If you are the metal panels still worked last time I checked. As for fixing it, we first have to figure out if this is a Kerbpaint specific problem, or if it is an issue that occurs with any mod that messes with shaders.
Wren: That is a nice looking plane, thanks for posting. Hmm, did the mk1 to mk2 adapters stop working again? I'll have to take a look at those again. Sorry, I haven't fixed the inflight problems on the cubic struts yet, haven't had any time to work on it.Crunch time for us college students, two weeks left then I''ll have more free time.
Efemeril: Uzric's answer is correct, I had that happen to me when I first started playing KSP with no mods installed, this mod just makes it far more likely due to how it calls on textures. Hotrockets is a very good improvement anyway, so I recommend everyone get it even if they are not having this problem. Spartwo: Hmm, I'll take a look, only those two parts though? If any others are acting up could you list which ones and I'll do my best to fix them. Last time it turned out Squad switched which way the shaders were applied to a few parts, so maybe this will be a simple fix. Espresso: No, to my knowledge the patterns are hard-coded in the plugin and thus can't be edited. I don't have the programing knowledge needed to change that or add a mass paint ability, though I do agree that would be really cool. Do remember though, applying the same color choice to a part doesn't mean the two parts are the same color due to the underlying texture and how the shaders are applied.
Yeah, B9 has some beautiful wings, but he only did the front edges in carbon. If he had done the bottoms of those wings black to match the fuel tanks, then it would have been epic. I'm actually thinking about starting on B9 after I get the first LLL addon done, but the thought worries me a little. My computer isn't the fastest, with aggressive texture manager and only LLL installed it takes about 10 minutes to load, and each time I need to make changes to the .cfg files I have to restart the program. B9 is easily twice the size of LLL, so I see a lot of time in my future of staring at loading screens. Still plan to try though.
pingopete: Sorry, this mod won't let that happen because the texture on the top of the wing is the same as the bottom, so any changes made would affect the bottom and top. Now, if you found a wing that used two different textures, one for the top of the wing and one for the bottom, I could make a map for both and it would let you shade the bottom a different color than the top. Right now, because how parts are made, I do not know of any wings this would be possible with. If you do find any I will gladly make this happen for you. Procedural wings are still supported I think, so you should at least be able to make them different colors. If that has broken please tell me and I will do my best to fix it.
War Eagle 1: I am more than glad to help with anything needed, thank you for sticking with it and not giving up. After quite a while, I'm happy to say I have another update for you guys!!! This is all the new parts from NASA, and fixes for the command pods that broke with the update. I had a lot of problems with the Advanced Engine and the LES, so right now they are single color only. Also, learning from the trouble War Eagle 1 had getting my download to work, I am making this update and all future updates .zip files. When I finish the first version of the LackLustreLab Addon I will be starting a new thread and all future updates of the Stock Addon will appear there. Hopefully .24 will come out soon, giving me more to work on in stock. Stock Addon V.4 -Fixed Command pod 1 and 2 -Fixed Cupula -Added Grabber -Added Advanced Engine -Added Four Engine Cluster -Added Twin Engine Booster -Added Massive SRB -Added All new fuel tanks -Added 3.75m decoupler and adapter -Added LES Stock Addon V.3 -Mk1 Lander Can -Small Control Surface -Small docking port -Medium docking port -Cube Probe core -Rover body -Landing Leg -Large landing leg -Edited Kerbpaint.cfg to remove old small control surface config which was bugged Stock Addon V.2 -Struts -I-Beams -girders -Mk.2 to mk1. adapter -Changed the layout of the .cfg file so please delete parachutesingle.cfg and structuralpanel1and2.cfg if you installed Stock Addon V.1, also allow this to overwrite anything it asks as the original mod had a mk.2 to mk.1 adapter shader map that didn't work. Stock Addon V.1 -parachuteSingle -StructuralPanels These shader maps are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License by Tenneko Kazeno. All this means is give me credit and you can alter them and use them in other mods. I would like to be informed though. Also keep in mind I have no say over the mod itself, only these addons.
Spartwo: Thankyou for reporting this, hopefully it is simply a matter of them changing which shaders are used for those parts. I will take a look at it and see what I can do. So, I did a quick check and Command Pod 1 and 2 plus the cupula are broken, if someone could list any other parts that have stopped working I'd be thankful.
War Eagle 1: I am sorry I did not get your email. In case my reply wasn't very helpful, inside the zip for stock addon is a gamedata folder. If you merge that folder with the already existing gamedata folder it should work fine. If anyone would be kind enough to report any bugs that pop up from the patch, I would be thankful.
Your guys' pictures are awesome, keep them coming!!! ahappydude: Yes, Texel has a tutorial on how to in the very first post, inside the image gallery. You need an image editing software though. I use an old Adobe Photoshop cs3 and it works fine. I'm currently working on getting LacklustreLabs working. I have all the engines, most the command pods and about half the fuel tanks done. The 2x1 and circular tanks are not cooperating though. When i get those working, I will release an Addon pack for it. Also, if anyone is interested in attempting to make a map for the goo container and materials bay I would be thankful as i cannot find the ding-dang textures for them anywhere.
The only mods that should mess with Kerbpaint are ones that change the textures of stock parts, otherwise nothing is interfered with. OH!! Did you delete the module manager file in the Kerbpaint folder and download the latest module manager file? The one that comes with Kerbpaint is very old as the mod hasn't been updated in a long time, and it tends to interfere with things. Hopefully that helps, I don't know of anything else that could be causing this issue, sorry. I actually have used all three mods you mentioned while using this one, so that's not the issue.
I think you should work on it, not only because I would like to see this mod done, but also because even if you find out it is a massive mod that you will have to change it will still be good practice. Also, if you focus on the tech tree first using modified stock parts until you have custom models, you can get active feedback from us on balance issues. Or you could do it the way other modders do, and work on this mod one part at a time, building up to your goal. Either way, I suggest doing something to maintain your interest in making this mod.
Yeah, to my knowledge, the 64 bit run program only works for Linux and Mac users because Unity, the engine the game is built on, doesn't currently support 64 bit for Windows. Sadly this means the update I was talking about isn't from Squad but from the makers of the Unity engine. Good luck on this, it was something I briefly thought about myself, with a more Star Trek lean, but I have zero free time and no skills for making the custom models/programing/textures I had envisioned .