I am still amazed at how this plugin is turning out to make me do a hardware project similar to what Mulbin is doing. As for what Pantner said: I did find a way for an analog value to be sent to control the throttle with an older version of this plugin. I am posting the code. Just be aware that it is for the .11 version since I forgot to update until yesterday. I did notice the since it is analog there is no way to make a value be constantly the same, other than 0 or 1, due to the nature of analog components being electrically noisy. Arduino code //Code here is in the KSPIODemo file case 1: FuelLights(); SendThrottle();//NEW LINE break; } // I put this function in the Utilities file void SendThrottle(){ CurThrottle = analogRead(ThrPIN); CurThrottle = 1023.0 - CurThrottle; CurThrottle = map(CurThrottle,657.0,1023.0,0.0,100.0)/100.0; if(PrevThrottle != CurThrottle){ char ThrottleChar[4]; dtostrf(CurThrottle,4,2,ThrottleChar); String ThrottleStr = String(ThrottleChar); Serial.println("KSP;1;"+ThrottleStr); } PrevThrottle = CurThrottle; } Plugin Code if (parsed[0] == "KSP") { short messageID = (short)double.Parse(parsed[1]); if (messageID == 0) { DisplayFound = true; } //NEW CODE BELOW if (messageID == 1) { float ThrVal = float.Parse(parsed[2]); FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle = ThrVal; } }