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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. hard to believe no one knows how to get this to work. seriously, its amazing
  2. Bumping, still havent figured out the launch pad. got the stuff, but never progresses.
  3. That was it too, now if i could figure out these launch pads. I have enough parts, but construction never goes past 0%
  4. So i installed lack luster, lazor, kas, fairings, kw, interplanetary, and launchpads. Its now telling me on startup that i have old versions of module manager and i need to update. No idea what that even is.
  5. Ok, so we've got TAC, lack luster, lazor, KAS, fairings, KW, interplanetary (already love that one) and kethane. oh and the launch pads? I had trouble with those with not understanding the uses of the bins and such before. Stretchy parts im not familiar with and I think i might skip on the deadly reentry and far. im not sure deadly and far will work in a away id like. Im crappy enough at landings lol. i saw another post about a mod with habitation modules and things of the such, but i forget what it was called.
  6. what about the compatibility of those mods with current kerbal?
  7. So, heres what im trying to do. Im lookin for to make an install specifically for hardness. I want life support needs, habitation, attachment systems, and all that junk that Im gonna need for the fullest experiance of going out into the solar system and setting up colonies and mining facilities. But I need some hints on what to use. Im going to need an attachment system, some kind of crane device, a referral to a lesson on docking, and maybe even a docking mod. Idk, I want to keep it sort of simple, without overloading on mods, but I do want the requirements so I dont go, ohhhh, if only this game was set up to let me experiance mun livin. lol. any help is super appreciated
  8. I've had far and It didn't do much other than give me a menu system to see a bunch of stuff. Maybe I missed something. Also I don't know how u would mine those things, I only know how to mine kethane. I have no idea how to use the refinery nor how to build it into something.
  9. I've got the methane mod, it's required for KSP. Honestly I'm thinking of stripping the amount of mods. Oh and yes, I kno I stated the question terribly. I'm sry about that, I was at work and trying to be quick. I've seen a couple of scotts vids, I found his methane video but I was still left with questions. Going probe only doesn't bother me, I feel it would be easier to recover than a manned craft. Well, I know I asked a stupid question, I suppose I was just lookin for a little direction. I'll be checking the reaction wheel thread pointed out earlier and slim down my mods to kethane, mechjeb, B9, and possibly Far and KW. And they all work with campaign.
  10. It seems most are misunderstanding. For starters, I'm aware of how to get science. But beef recently it was not made aware to me that different parts of a planet give different science. I ran out of science and thought, well all that work getting here and there isn't much science to gain. Secondly, I work full time, and when I'm not working, I'm sleeping. It's not a dead post, I just don't have all the free time in the world. Additionally, General help was all I could think to use, I wanted a convo that could just help me out some without getting too griddy on one topic. It might help to know that sometimes my Grammer gets messed up because of Swype. I'm on a phone and at work typing most of this so I don't always have the time to proofread my post. Most of all, I'm new her, so do t make judgements based on me needing a hand. I've always learned better from directness. Someone's post about my confusion with parts was a bit arrogant. No, I'm not as confused with mod parts as I am with the vanilla parts. After scouring I was only able to find one piece of material explaining reaction wheels. And it turns out I May have been placing them wrong. This is what I came here for, confusion on a multitude of things. I'll take the criticisms, but I came here because I'm not a pro kerbal player. And if you can't bear with someone who is trying to learn I'm sorry for you. And yes, I'm fully American, again, my phone is stupid and capitalized things for no reason and such.. I'll pm those you offered to speak to me, and I thank you for the offer. I'm sure I can better explain myself in voice since I've never been particularly good at explaining my mind to others in a few paragraphs. Oh and I mod every pc game I have, I enjoy the customizeability( if that's a word) of pc games. And yes, I'd love to fly fictional ships, sry if u don't agree. I get off early tonight so I can probably get those pms out after nine or ten pm eastern
  11. I could go to there forums, if they have one. But I'm sure more ppl have heard of it than u think since (I forget his name) did a bunch of highly rated YouTube videos on YouTube with it and garnered a lot of attention to the game.I came here mostly for a broader base of ppl
  12. I added interstellar mostly for the possibilities. Such as mining and such. And after my failed attempt to manually o to another planet. ( orbited the sun for ages waiting for a chance to transfer).I actually never thought of just going to minimus first. It makes sense, I've been there and it's super easy to and take off. I'm a mod guy, I mod just about every pc game and have, so it's a habit lol. Jumping into that in such a complicated game does seem to have complicated things more. My mistake usually is like I said, overclocking. I never know how many batteries I should bring, how many panels, and of course fuel. Mechjeb has been my savior so far. I can actually transfer without wasting fuel on a failed attempt. I've seen the enterprise on here( and used it) but i can't attach anything to it. Not even he nodes or attachment points will build on it. What's a good method of getting science now that u need a science module to repeat experiments?
  13. I thank u for the response, but it's entirely unhelpful. I'm already of the basics, I'm talking advanced building and how to utilize wat the KSP interstellar mod offers. I've played career mode plenty but it seems you misunderstood my question. In the new limited science model where u can reuse modules without the science pod. Additionally u pointed out the textbook info the game gives, which wasn't helpful at all for anything advanced. I can't learn to use KSP components without knowing how they work. I literally am asking someone who's kind enough to have a chat. A.... hmmm... let's call it a tutoring if u will. I've read plenty, but I'm the kind of guy who learns better by demonstrations and direct Q&A. In the least I'm asking for KSP interstellar compatible ship files. Maybe something rigs, launchers, warp ships, long range ships, ect. It's so bad I don't even know how to properly utilize the science module that comes in the interstellar mod( not the new vanilla one). I do thank you for taking the time to answer, but it didn't rly address my issues. It is helpful to grind out what I'm seeking into some more words. I've been playing for months btw, I can fly, build ships for the kerban system, anything advanced like plasma thrusters, when, where, and how do I use reactors and generators, and some is the examples I've stated before. I apologize for any typos, on mobile.
  14. Alright, been browsing the site for a while, playing KSP mostly for kicks. So far i've fallen in love, but omg im lost. I downloaded KSP Intersteller (gotta get the update as well) and im rather lost as to what I can and should do. I've tried building things to help me mine, but it all just seems to be crap. Im terrible at this. My biggest problem is, while playing this game, im actually lost as to what im going to need. I seem to overpack my ships with a lot of junk of which im not even sure what they do. Like the mining station hub thing, no idea how to use it, how I am supposed to build it into a structure, and what it would need to function properly. Im looking for KSP ship and station builds, and also pointers on how to make my ugly mess of ships and crappy stations more efficient and some major help with the parts. A good skype session I feel is needed, because this game is complex. I'm asking for help here folks, I work full time and on my off time i tend to lose a day or two to this game, but it always turns out to be a day of playing and failing. Most of the time I get frustrated because I can't build anything functional and just restart fresh. Im also at a loss as to how to get science in the career mode without taking months of real time. Oh, and im totally looking for star trek ships. Just for phone tho, i'd like to build things inside these great ships and wonder the solar system lol.
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