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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Maybe Engineers could salvage repair points from other rockets, so that you could have 4 95% rockets is instead of 3 100% rockets and 1 80% rocket which would cause an imbalance in thrust. but the difference between 100% and 90% shouldn't be too noticeable, maybe a 5% increase in fuel consumption, but after 70% it should not be good.
  2. Duna and back on a damaged rocket... But in all seriousness, I would think that it would be a lot harder to repair the rocket than it would be to repair a solar panel. I would go with there is a set amount of repair points in the main command module, no matter the size of the aircraft. Or repair points for each kerbal on board. but, the solar panels and rockets would have damage percentages, and each point could repair it around 1% for a large rocket, 5% for a smaller rocket, 10% for a solar panel. They perform worse than they do normally when damaged, but still work. But at 0% it won't work and requires more points than it normally would to repair it. starting off with 100 repair points. Docking with a space station can replenish repair points, but only up to 75 repair points. As for the space stations, They would have a huge amount of repair points, around 1500, but they could only be used to repair the station and give to ships. However, repair points need to be replenished at the station too. So flights to rendezvous with the station to resupply its repair points are needed. And why not put repairing as an EVA activity.
  3. I think you should lose contact with the probes if they get sent through, they just kind of disappear and then reappear as really faint radio transmissions, but only if you have radio transmitters on the probe, and then you have to upgrade the tracking center in order to re-attain full contact and control of the probe.
  4. I was originally thinking that you could set it up so that it faces out or up, if it was a "Portable" glide scope, just so that you could locate and land near a certain location. Of course, it would drain a lot of battery power and be unusable in space. Just so that would be used for resupplying rovers and finding bases or landing. It would most likely be a default part of the space center for space planes. But my problem was originally that I couldn't line up with the space center in a SSTO, and that a glide scope would help people line up with the space center from a further distance, but I wouldn't mind if they changed the maneuver nodes to account for drag caused by atmosphere. I'm trying to create something that would help newer players, but could be used in different ways by people who are experienced.
  5. I still have to do a last second turn to land on my first approach, and I can't even land at KSC from orbit. Its mostly my fault, but I figured it would be easier for newer players if portable glide scopes could be researched in career mode to help set people land space planes at bases just out of visual range. I also think it would help the idea of bases on planets, by helping locate bases without having to go into map or try to guess how to land at a certain area that might not be flat. Of course you can aim the glide scope, so you can aim it straight up or out, depending on what you want to land there. Aiming it up would be for landing rockets or landers, and it would guide them to an area, so you could equip it on a rover and stop the rover in one area to land a resupply mission. or other cool things.
  6. As somebody who really likes to mess around with space planes, I would like to have glide scopes, Its really hard to line up on most runways and flat surfaces, and so a glide scope would help locate the runway and help you land. Maybe even a portable one that you can set up on other planets, but only on level areas.
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