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Posts posted by Kryxal

  1. If you want to work with a lower TWR and higher delta-v, that's fine.  Fuel is cheap, boosters are cheap, decouplers are somewhat expensive, engines are expensive.  I routinely launch below 1.3 TWR, aiming to hit 4-5 degrees by maybe 100 m/s.  Not the fastest launch, not the smallest launch for the payload, but it works.  If the first stage is boosters, I tend to use a higher TWR to start but not for long.

  2. My usual method is to match inclinations, change to an orbit that will intersect the other orbit at a near tangent, then fine-tune from there.  When I go from trailing to leading on the next orbit (or vice versa), that's the time to adjust this orbit to get an intercept.  This can generally be done with just prograde or retrograde inputs near the intercept point, and maybe an extra, null maneuver node to make sure the next displayed intercept is the following orbit.

  3. Looks simple enough, make a rocket with a heat shield on the capsule, capable of reaching orbit and returning.  Maybe a 75km circular orbit, then reduce periapsis to 25 km and detach the rest of the rocket.  Set up test conditions.  If that's not sufficient (and it really should be), adjust your burn to be more radial-in so as to increase apoapsis while you decrease periapsis.

  4. A bit late, but the best Moho transfer from Kerbin's going to be at node intersection, aiming for Moho PE.  Just meet the orbit, don't worry about meeting the planet first time around.  You'll be able to fix your inclination cheaper, further out, and combine it with the ejection burn.  Once you're at your PE, bring your AP down so the next orbit is a rendezvous, you'll then need less delta-v on the capture burn.

  5. On 10/13/2021 at 3:18 PM, AHHans said:

    The tricky part is figuring out the correct place for the PE: you want it to be at the place where you need it for the final escape burn.

    I don't have a good procedure to find that. Up to now I've essentially just "winged it". ;)

    Starting from an orbit with a period of 30 minutes or so, a "kick" of about 430 m/s will result in an orbit of about 90 minutes.  Plan that "kick" 3 orbits before your target departure time.  Similar methods can be used so long as you're short of the Mun's orbit, so under about 800 m/s in any combination, past that planning gets more complicated.

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