So, I tried some planes the last couple of days, and I've found it quite frustrating to get them to handle "properly". I know the aerodynamics of the game are very primitive and glitchy, but the rudder/yaw-control seems to be a special lousy case for every design I make. Typical scenario: I go down the runway and take off and start ascending. On the way up the nose will drift slightly left or right somewhere along the way. I instinctively nudge the rudder a bit the other way to compensate, but yawing does not seem to turn the craft. It turns the nose while I'm pushing the control, but the plane will continue on the same vector. On top there seems to be an excessive rebound effect when letting it go, often slinging the nose back even past the point where I started to turn... (so yawing left may will end up with the nose further right than it was to begin with). Now, I've flown RC airplanes for quite some time, and have a fairly strong "insticnt" of what the flight controls should do on a mid-winged craft, and what my KSP inventions are doing, is sort within reason for roll and elevation, but I have yet to create any resemblance of yaw control... This is frustrating me, I think mostly because I have specific expectation of what a yaw control is, but every time I touch it, something else seems to come out of it... What am I doing wrong here? Is there any mid-winged plane design that can steer using yaw control? I know it sort of works if I dial in a significant dihedral or move the CoL way above the rudder CoM, but then it's just the roll-effect doing the steering, and the yaw is stil rebounding and bouncing all over when letting go...