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Everything posted by Seven_Indigo

  1. WakabaGyaru's fix seems to have worked as far as failing the Mun contract. It looked to me like these contracts latch onto specific vessel IDs... Should I anticipate any problems from the partial Mun station apparently having been recognized as a Kerbin station?
  2. Sure, let's see what I can get... Here's the log from where it declared failure... I had the Kerbin space station contract active as well, and was surprised to find it marked as completed as I flew my partial station to the Mun. I accepted both contracts before launching anything, and not particularly long ago game-time... maybe a few days? There's no listed time limit on the missions. Loading a slightly earlier save, though, gets me some interesting results when I look at the contracts with CapCom: There's a countdown timer for satisfying the Kerbin space station contract, even though I'm not actually meeting its requirements (my vessel is in Munar orbit, and I don't have deployable solar panels). I'm going to poke around more and see if I can get it between declaring success on the Kerbin station and declaring failure on the Mun station.
  3. For some reason, the contract system is telling me that I've failed the Mun station contract, while I'm trying to build it. I've got a mostly-complete station that I've hauled into Munar orbit, but after two days there I'm told that the contract has been failed, before I can bring the remaining pieces. Any idea what's going on, or how I can fix this? Thanks!
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