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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hello everyone, I am here with another question. right now I am trying to do a new wheel, and I have the mesh set up like the picture says to have it set up: but for some reason it doesnt work. nothing moves, it just sits there. Can someone please give me a step by step tutorial on how to make it work? with suspenion and everything please. Thank you, EO
  2. ok here is an update for everyone, I have hardpointed the model with RCS Thrusters, and was trying it out. this is what I got so far, I might add a couple more here and there maybe for effect from the show. I will look into it.
  3. Thanks for the reply, another question that I just thought about... will the attach point move with the animation? or will it be somwhere specific no matter what?
  4. Hello everyone, I am sure some of you have seen my Viper thread, and that is still a Work in Progress, but I have put that to the side. Right now I am working on adding in new parts to the game, like extending docking ports as well as many many other things. This project is going to be somewhat of an interesting undertaking, and am open to suggestions so that I can also help out you, the community. So first up is this, an extending Docking Port. Extending Docking Port (click to view in 3D) It is very simple right now, but when I get it exported I hope that I can make it extend and retract. On that note, do I have to have 2 different animations, or will the game just reverse the animation? Enjoy, and hope to have more for you!
  5. So after I have done some major editing to the cfg files, to make the engine NOT blow off the ship, editing to the collision mesh, as well as a couple other things, I have been able to get the ship into orbit! Now, I have a major question. right now it has a major reaction wheel, so that it can simulate the movement of a Viper, but I want to go one up. I want the ship to be a giant RCS port. With the ports on the front, and the ports on the back, and everything in between animating, showing that they are working, just like the show. can someone help me with that?
  6. how exactly do I do that in Unity? I haven't really used the program before. NVM, figured it out. Just have to fix my collision mesh and this model should be ready to go.
  7. Hello all, I have been playing KSP for a couple of months now and absolutely love it. Now I make models for other games, most recently Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Some time ago, A man named Coxxon Released his Battlestar Galactica models on Sci-fi Meshes, and I downloaded them, so I have had them for awhile. Now I plan on doing expansion components, like a extending docking clamp, and other things similar to that, but to test how to export and everything I decided to go with something a little more complex. That is where the Viper Mk VII comes in. When I first imported it, all I did was the mesh, didn't break it up or anything. Now I am going through and breaking it up, so far it is in 2 parts, the main ship, and the engines. Problem is, I cannot get the engines to work. They are currently set up as clones of the standard jet engines, but they will not work. Says they are at full thrust, but doesn't go anywhere. Can someone please help with this? EO
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