I still cannot get this mod to work. I'm running Win7 Ultimate. I downloaded Planetfactory and the Sentar Expansion, and it will load just fine (I get a prompt right when KSP starts to load if I'd like to load the xpac) However, after adding Kerbal Universe's "Abaddon" and "Verion" folders to 'KSP\GameData\PlanetFactory\PluginData\PlanetFactory' I get absolutely no difference. I'm still prompted on KSP load-up if I'd like to load Sentar Expansion, but loading that only adds the few Kerbol planets and Sentar system, it does not add anything else. If I choose to load up KSP and un-check the Sentar Expansion box, all the planets are stock KSP regulars. If tried just about every different combination of folder placements: Both folders in your recommended spot; both folder CONTENTS in recommended spot; deleting everything in it and putting just Abaddon folder in there; deleting everything and putting just Abaddon folder's CONTENTS in there; putting both folders one section up next to PlanetFactory; etc. NONE of the combinations change anything at all. Even with everything deleted in the 'GameData\PlanetFactory\PluginData\PlanetFactory' I still get prompted if I want to load the Sentar Expansion. Nothing changes, and I can't figure out why. It doesn't even see the Abaddon/Verion folders. It's yes-Sentar or no-Sentar. Also if I mess with the folder contents too much, then Serious appears on top of Kerbin in the maps. helppppppppppp