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Everything posted by space_cowboy

  1. Thanks for all the info and maps. I have since got the samples from The launch pad, runway and KSC and grabbed a piece of the Badlands. I managed to land in the centre of the crater in the mountains due WEST of KSC but it only registered as mountain sample. But I'm definitely going to need to start building planes to see Kerbin properly, I am finding it a little time consuming trying to bring that command pod down in a precise location.
  2. Thank you for your replies. Apologies...What a nab I am...I feel a little bit silly This was my first attempt at a rocket with more than 6 x FL-T800 fuel tanks and I just expected the Stayputniks built in RCS to do the job as it has always done up till now. I never even considered that adding a reaction wheel would make all the difference, but obviously that was what was required for a rocket this size. I was at work so no access to screenshots and I got myself a bit confused. After my failures with this in career mode I had been messing with this build in the sandbox trying to improve it forgetting I dont have the fuel ducting in career mode yet. So yes the original was not proper asparagus staging it was just those 6 x 2 800's as an initial boost stage to get to my gravity turn. Now I just gotta work on getting more Kerbin based science done till I get some solar panels as even 24 Z-100's are enough to get my science back from Mun. Thanks again
  3. Hi Rocketeers I'm a 1 week newbie at KSP and just starting out on career mode and from my many failed attempts at getting into orbit I noticed I am receiving science for collecting soil samples from my various landing spots back on Kerbin. I have so far collected samples from Sea, Grasslands, Highlands, Desert and Ice Cap are there others I am missing? So I thought it might be a useful excercise to find places of interest to visit on Kerbin. I did try the search button without success. Can anyone give me some pointers on what is to be found and a rough location? I was trying for the highest altitude landing spot but unsure where that would be? I have had a few attempts at parachuting down on to mountainous regions but usually I miss. However on the couple of occasions I have had success the rocks have destroyed my capsule and Kerbal. Maybe I was just unlucky or maybe rocky landing sites are to be avoided?
  4. Hi Rocketeers I am trying to get a Stayputnik and SC-9001 with a couple of goo units, 2 x Communotron 16 and about 20 z-100 batts to Mun and Minmus Oh and back again. I am using asparagus staging basically a central staging of 2 FL-T800's and an FL-T400 powered with an LV-T45 and LV-909 respectively. This is surrounded with 6 x 2 FL-T800's linked with fuel duct to core staging and powered by LV-T30's however when it comes to doing my gravity turn at 10km it doesnt want to play and goes out of control and I end up ditching most of it in order to recover. I am using SAS but no fins. Any ideas on what I can do to keep this naughty rocket under control? Even if I do get it back under control and make it into orbit it is normally very inclined and with the core of 2 FL-T800's and an FL-T400 it is very slow to maneuver around the Navball and line up my nodes which means more often than not I miss them or I'll carry out the maneuver even though I'm not aligned and end up just wasting fuel without accomplishing anything. Would it help my maneuverability to ditch the 1/3 full 2 x FL-T800's and just go straight to my final stage (with larger 800 tank) as soon as I am in orbit around Kerbin? Is there any trick to finding these nodes quickly on the Nav ball that I'm missing? Any other tips for controlling a rocket that is reluctant or very slow to comply?
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