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    Pixel Pusher
  1. You've done it Kerbinand! Props! I'd give you rep again if I could. Now it's a simple matter of sub-assembling our machines together. Do you mind if I do? With credit to you of course. In the mean time, I'll try to see if I can make your hinge system more reliable. If we can get it to work, all of the "formulas" from our machines should still work. Edit: Y'know, alternatively, we could replace the Stayputniks with Kerbals and have them go up ladders to "reload". That might be fun.
  2. Your suggestion worked perfectly, UpsilonAerospace! Thanks to your help, I can present: The Stayputnik Counter S3 (working title) Capable of adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers from 1 to 3. Supports negative numbers. Here's a demonstration album: I'm working on division, after that it will be complete. Edit: I forgot the instructions 1 = add/subtract/multiply by 1 2 = add/subtract/multiply by 2 3 = add/subtract/multiply by 3 9 = activate multiplication mode 0 = activate subtraction mode It defaults to addtion mode, so to add two numbers, simply enter them in. To multiply, press the first number, then 9, then the second number. To subtract press the first number, then 0, then the second number. Craft file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/7z9w54 @Aphobius: That looks amazing! Please continue! @Kerdinand: I'm really curious to see how you're getting them to reload. Once I figure out division, maybe we could combine our machines into a fully reuseable Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division calculator?
  3. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get the landing legs to work like I'd like them to. They just decide not to respond to the action groups sometimes. I think it has to do with the way KSP handles their initial state, so maybe there's no work around, but if one exists I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me. Here's a screen shot of the craft: (this version works with numbers 1 and 2. It could very easily be scaled to include 3, 4, and beyond.) The idea is that the stayputniks start at the top, and each pair of landing legs acts as a "logic gate" and either allows the stayputnik to pass or doesn't. How it SHOULD work: All "gates" start in the "open" state. 1 decouples the leftmost two Stayputniks. 2 decouples the rightmost 4. 1 toggles the 4 leftmost gates on the top row. 2 toggles the leftmost top gate, skips the second, then toggles the rightmost 4. 0 toggles all of the bottom gates. (activates subtraction) 1 toggles the third bottom gate from the left. With this system, in theory, it could do 1+1, 1+2, 2+1, 2+2, 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2. (1-2 would give zero, I haven't implemented the negative numbers yet) Here's the craft file if anyone's interested/wants to improve it. https://www.sendspace.com/file/vii5vn
  4. This challenge is really interesting! I've got a system that can handle addition, subtraction and (I think) negative numbers, but I'm having some issues with some of the parts sometimes not activating when I press the action groups. Hopefully I'll be able to work out the bugs, but in the mean time, just wanted to pop in and say the challenge is great.
  5. http://imgur.com/a/bgP2Q 193.3m fully stock. First time trying a challenge like this, my attempt isn't quite satisfactory yet. I must say it's a fun challenge though. Definitely going to try and improve this design.
  6. With multi-delta wings, the craft only spins really fast at around 6 kilometres, so it's already lost most of it's orbital speed and doesn't rip apart. New entry, no perfect landing this time. With the 2.5 meter parts it was easy to absorb impacts via structural pylons and their ridiculous crash tolerance, but with these kerbodyne tanks it's really tough. http://imgur.com/a/gBzDr Deorbited vessel mass: 90.44t for +9000 Lowest speed 9.5 m/s for + 200 Probe core intact + 250 Lifted to orbit + 100 120 solid wings for - 1200 Total: 8350
  7. Went dandelion-style this time. http://imgur.com/a/iz6Ny Final vessel mass: 22.2t, for + 2200 Lowest speed 6.8 m/s for + 225 Completely intact + 500 Lifted to orbit + 100 48 solid wings - 480 Total: 2545 This design can easily be scaled up, so 3k points is feasible.
  8. The thing to avoid are rules that permit hyperediting a 1000t + craft into orbit and then deorbiting it, with a probe core enclosed in a structural shell so that it survives. That would allow entries far outscoring Kasuha's and not really in the spirit of the challenge. I suggest either using the final weight of the craft in the calculation (which allows lithobreaking) or using current rules and disqualifying entries that go over 50 m/s at 500 m.
  9. Thanks. I must say though, I'm completely astounded that you got under 50 m/s for the last 500 meters.
  10. First entry to get the full speed bonus Buuuut as demonstrated by Kasuha, clearly not the best way to get points. Anywho, mimicking whirling nuts, the whirlinut: http://imgur.com/a/IJZqP 2.61 t rounded to 3 for +300 3.8 m/s for +250 Completely intact + 500 Lifted to orbit + 100 36 solid wings - 360 Total: 790... excuse me while I go make a half-decent entry. Edit: 2.61 rounded is 3, so it counts for 3 t.
  11. Inspired by the recent posts in the thread, I started the capsule at the bottom, then flipped the rocket upside down. http://imgur.com/a/AmELR#0 The rocket itself isn't capable of orbit but it can get to space and back safely.
  12. That's a really great way to do it. Thanks. Completely reworked the bike, I didn't really like the probe core placement in the original + it didn't have enough torque to keep itself upright. The wheels aren't perfect yet, I'll fix them and post the craft file.
  13. Here's Jeb posing with the work-in-progress "Bike 3" Still have to find a way to get the wheels closer together. Cubic struts just aren't thin enough.
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