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Dark Junior

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Everything posted by Dark Junior

  1. Seems to happen to me every time my computer updates
  2. I learned you should never leave leftover spaghetti in a backpack for a month. And if you do, don't sniff it.
  3. Once again, my cat. The object to your right is now to your left.
  4. My cat sleeping under my chair? NOO! The object right above you is now as heavy as an anvil.
  5. No. I empitied it of 100 outdated messages. he object to your right is your phone.
  6. Spelling Trainengie with with two R's? CHEATER!
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botulinum_toxin Or the one XKCD what if question involving everyu single element gathered at once.
  8. I failed so hard, and got so faaaar.... Try to play minecraft without hating bats.
  9. I guess it's so irritating it drives them crazy.
  10. I exist, therefor I win. My hill.
  11. I ban you for making this ban the user above you. My hill.
  12. I subtract 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% leaving us with one hill. my hill.
  13. It's the endless void of something now. I escape. My hill....
  14. I'm poop resistant. I send an army of Biomechanical Onslaught Troopers to kill you. My hill...
  15. I fire a particle cannon at you, vaporizing you.
  16. I reincarnate into Q. I teleport you off the hill. My hill.
  17. A few of you may remember the popular thread War Of Insanity created by me. It eventually evolved into an role playing story http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127950-War-Of-Insanity!?highlight=war+insanity and was locked. Now it has it's own forum else found here: http://warofinsanity.freeforums.net/ Anyway, me and sampa have begun working together to animate the series. We've begun recruiting voice actors, Concept artists, and everything else we need for an animated series. PM either me or Sampa to apply for a role in the series. Animators: Starwhip (Characters) Sampa (Everything else.) SCRIPT: Darkjunior AFTER EFFECTS: Tristonwilson12 VOICE ACTORS: TBA CONCEPT ARIST(S): TBA Thanks! PM Sampa or me if you have any questions!
  18. Ghost of me posesses the ghost! My hill!
  19. I eat it and burp it up on top of you. My hill with a dead, exploded body.
  20. The monoltihs go on forever. and they're full of stars!
  21. I fly out mof the gulag and throw you in there. MY hill...
  22. I'm deathless and an interstellar capitalist. My hill and shoe.
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