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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've got a cfg file you can download and place in GameData for anyone who is not comfortable editing cfg files. I'm working on extending KAS attributes into a bunch of other mods. I picked 18 as a storedSize on the small hex cans since I imagine it being awkwardly jammed into the containers at a weird angle by an overzealous Kerbal. I may change it up to something like 23 to be really inconvenient.
  2. That. Is. Awesome! I just used it to tweak the settings on a bunch of parts and it makes it so much easier. Still wasn't able to turn it the way I wanted, but we'll see what the next release of KAS brings. THANK YOU, a.g.!!!!
  3. Ah, well I am glad to know I am not losing it. Thanks for sharing your configs. I think a lot of people are looking for an easy way to add KAS compatibility to mods that don't have it, like B9 and TAC stuff. I see you used helmetCollider as one of the evaTransformName settings. That is a neat idea, I'll have to try that on parts where it makes sense.
  4. Hi! I am working on creating come configs to extend KAS grab and store functionality to some mods that do not have it, but I am having a bit of an issue with one of the variables. According to the KAS Wiki, the evaPartDir setting determines which way the part is pointed when strapped on the Kerbal's back. I cannot seem to get my head around these settings, and adjusting the numbers and reloading the configs is crushing my soul. Here is the cfg I am fretting over. //////// TAC Life Support //////// // --- Small Hex Cans --- @PART[HexCan*Small] { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.17) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) //<---- THIS IS MAKING ME CRAZY! addPartMass = true storable = true storedSize = 18 attachOnPart = true attachOnEva = false attachOnStatic = false attachSendMsgOnly = false } } This puts the small hex-can on the Kerbonaut going straight up and down. It seems more like a sane Kerbal would have it go across his back, especially for walking with it. However, I cannot seem to get it to rotate 90 degrees. I have tried all sorts of number combinations but I seem to be getting nowhere. Anyone have a suggestion?
  5. If you use Module Manager (many mods already require it!), you can do this without editing cfg files for either KAS or another mod. Just create a new .cfg file and put it somewhere in your GameData directory. Then, use the built in function from KAS to add grab-ability: @PART[TAL_Radial_Experiment_Storage_Container] { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) physicJoint = true storable = true storedSize = 5 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False attachSendMsgOnly = False } } Check out my KAS Extension Mod for more goodies like this!
  6. Hey! Would you consider contributing your KAS settings for Kethane to my project? I'm trying to create a community-driven, KAS extensions mod to add KAS functions to other mods that do not yet have it.
  7. Hi, I recently started a project to add KAS options to a bunch of small parts from other mods. Check it out here: https://github.com/dankeller/KAS-Extensions I have not added anything for Tarsier, but feel free to fork the project on github and submit your settings to share!
  8. Hi, long time lurker here! I have started a project on github to create configs to add KAS functionality to other mods. Check it out! I hope to get other community members to submit settings for their favorite mods/parts! Tell me what you think. Simply cloning the repository into your GameData folder will get you going, and then you can pull the latest version to have the latest supported parts. So far, all I have had time to add are small radial radiators from KSP Interstellar, but I have slapped them on to several derelict probes already where I was just getting started with interstellar and didn't yet understand WasteHeat.
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