Hi! I am working on creating come configs to extend KAS grab and store functionality to some mods that do not have it, but I am having a bit of an issue with one of the variables. According to the KAS Wiki, the evaPartDir setting determines which way the part is pointed when strapped on the Kerbal's back. I cannot seem to get my head around these settings, and adjusting the numbers and reloading the configs is crushing my soul. Here is the cfg I am fretting over. //////// TAC Life Support //////// // --- Small Hex Cans --- @PART[HexCan*Small] { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.17) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) //<---- THIS IS MAKING ME CRAZY! addPartMass = true storable = true storedSize = 18 attachOnPart = true attachOnEva = false attachOnStatic = false attachSendMsgOnly = false } } This puts the small hex-can on the Kerbonaut going straight up and down. It seems more like a sane Kerbal would have it go across his back, especially for walking with it. However, I cannot seem to get it to rotate 90 degrees. I have tried all sorts of number combinations but I seem to be getting nowhere. Anyone have a suggestion?