I'm looking to set up my first mining base and I've seen some great examples posted here, however I'm still not clear on how everyone seems to be selecting their mining location. I am able to scan for UF4 and ThF4 from orbit to see the hotspots, but what about the other resources like Water and Alumina? Do you just land at one of the UF4 / ThF4 spots and hope for the best when it comes to the other resources? Do you land and check out a few places, with a full refinery in tow? I've read some sporadic comments about resources at certain locations, such as water available at the poles on Duna or in certain craters on the Mun; were these just discovered by trial and error, or is there a guide or map that can tell me where I can expect to find each resource. Right now, I'm not even sure what bodies have what resources, let along where they might be on the surface. I feel like I'm missing something, any help would be greatly appreciated.