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  1. So I was flying around Laythe in KSP, doing all of my science-y things as always. When suddenly, I run out of electric charge! What happened? Apparently, even though Laythe was BAYTHED (see what I did there?) in light, Jool had come between Kerbol and my ship. I was wondering if anyone could make a mod that casts the shadow of planets onto other planets, allowing for solar and lunar eclipses. I don't know how difficult the mod would be, or even if it's possible. But if it were possible, it would make a nice visual mod.
  2. I have PlanetShine, but I want the engines to generate their own light as well. I'm perfectly okay with darkness, I just want a nice aesthetic plugin.
  3. So I was playing KSP, launching my rocket up into space as is my norm. Then a thought popped into my head. Why is it so dark? Don't rockets make light too? I think it would be really cool if someone could make a plugin that adds some sort of light generation to lit engines in flight.
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