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Posts posted by Buttons840

  1. Great post. I laughed.

    I thought Bill was going to realize he'd forgotten to get a Eeloo space rock as a souvenir. With only 50 meters between Bill and the ground he knew he must have that Eeloo space rock, so he fired up the ion engines and flew back to Eeloo, got his rock, and then returned to Kerbin a second time. 2 trips to Eeloo on a single 2.6 ton ship. It looks like that would have been possible.

  2. Ah. Well then that is a problem. It's always possible to obtain any vector direction from just two rotations, so I guess that's how kOS is calculating the facing - it's probably deconstructing your vector direction into "what possible set of rotations would give me this direction" and solving for whichever one of the infinite number of rotation combinations that would give you that vector direction happens to be the one achieved by using a roll of 0. (In other words it's only paying attention to which way you're pointing, not how you are rolled around that axis.)

    I understand what your saying after reading up on Euler angles. You're saying kOS can describe my "facing" direction (ignoring rotation) using only 2 Euler rotations, and so the 3rd is never used? (And let me clarify that heading:roll is ALWAYS zero, is this just me, or a bug in 0.11?) Thank you for the explanation.

    I would like to ask again, is there any way to figure out your ships rotation? I'm looking for a yes or no answer here. If there isn't a way, is it something we can hope for a future kOS versions? Or does it require a KSP change?

    [EDIT: Changed some phrasing I realized might have come across as rude.]

  3. I have a small rocket that launches a satellite. I have two kOS "controllers" on the rocket initially, one on the rocket itself, and one on the satellite. What I would like to happen is have the rocket (the "lifter") carry the satellite into orbit, detach from the satellite, then burn retrograde so it wont become space junk; and I would also like the satellite to face a certain direction as controlled by kOS.

    What happens though, is the satellite will be detached and the lifter will maneuver and burn retrograde (as controlled by kOS), but the satellite will not respond to steering commands, though I can toggle control groups with the kOS terminal [on the satellite]. Anyone know why this happens? Is the kOS terminal on the satellite still trying to control the detached lifter?

  4. If I launch with "lock steering to up." the ship usually tries to do a 180 degree roll and wobbles a bit. If I rotate the ship in the shipyard 180 degrees before I launch this does not happen. I also know you can do "lock steering to up + r(0, 0, 180)." or similar to prevent this problem.

    Is there any way to detect the roll of your ship? I'd like to detect the roll of my ship and use that roll in maneuvers (especially launching) so my ship doesn't wobble around while rotating.

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