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Everything posted by DragonShadow

  1. To allow some strategy in choosing what kerbals you send up to start. Realistically speaking, while all astronauts are cross-trained, they are all still specialists in particular fields. Nobody can train to be proficient in everything a space mission requires, and if we tried it would make space missions take longer to begin and be even more expensive than they are. It would be nice to be able add more roles though. Colonist/Civilian could be fun, haha.
  2. So beautiful......one of the best presents today, thanks Porkjet! Perfection!
  3. Pretty sure ORSX is superceded by Regolith, isn't it?
  4. I think every part (and more) was brought into stock, but they aren't the same as the mod parts. These are like the old Mk2 parts, asymmetrical from top to bottom, and they have the heat-tiles on the underside, which is awesome. As cool as it is to have parts flippable for different ship designs, I really wish they at least had the option to swap to textures with heat-tiles or something.
  5. I just want you to know this pack is amaaaaaaazing...*drool* now back to space
  6. Guys, guys, it's not a bug. Kerbals just use kerosene in their concrete mix instead of water!
  7. Believe what you want. My grandfather designed computer processors for the Voyager probes and when he was young, the media was in a panic about global warming. When he was older and raising my dad, the media was in a panic about global cooling. The Earth's weather is cyclical, and our CO2 output is miniscule next to natural sources like volcanoes. Ask an older individual who was paying attention and you'll get the same information.
  8. 50 years ago the United States was worrying about global cooling. Russia currently is preparing for this rather than a warming period. Hence the all-encompassing term 'climate change' that is now the norm.
  9. The Imperial Fleet will be keeping a close eye on this development.
  10. This announcement has given me hope for KSP-64! ...eventually, haha
  11. As far as I know ARM refers to "Asteroid Redirect Mission", from the NASA pack. The squadcast highlights seems to indicate more generic parts, like the larger rocket pieces, will be stock from 0.24, so it seems likely the more specialized pieces (like the grapple), will be only in the NASA pack. As for the asteroids, can't say...
  12. Man you are going all out! Looking great! XD Oh, I'm assuming the pack will have some suits with the gold-tint visors and some with the black?
  13. KerbFlares...sounds like you're just dumping Kerbonauts out the hatch with flares strapped to their helmets. XD
  14. Sweet, this looks awesome! Can't wait for the release, or your planned additions. The Kerbonauts and Kosmokerbs of my space race thank you.
  15. Wish I could help you get these in, but I will say that it looks like you've got a good start. I like your concepts, and more options for power is always better.
  16. .................capit-A-l......... In general I agree with the OP, and in particular the tech tree seems way out of whack, but I think I remember reading somewhere that Squad will be adding a good number of new parts soon? It doesn't make sense to reorganize the tech tree until those are implemented, that would just pointlessly increase the work load. Same with balance, unfortunately. In the meantime I pretty much just play sandbox anyway until Career is fully featured.
  17. I dunno about full-fledged competitors, but the Kerbol system does feel a bit empty without any other activity going on besides your own. It would be cool if, say, you could designate a location as something (a colony on a planet, a station for refueling or research) and then there'd be automated flights made to those locations and just some general background busyness. Refueling stations could have regularly scheduled flights, colony's could send out rovers or planes to explore the planet, etc. Nothing that gets in your way, just stuff to give it a more lively feeling, like the inside of the SPH and VAB. Now that I think about it, that could be extended into contracts (rescue this broken down rover from your Mun Colony, blah blah). Probably would be too hard to implement or be too system intensive though. Hopefully multiplayer will help though.
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