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Everything posted by thetntm

  1. I have a ship that used only solid fuel thrusters. It is currently 3,100,000,000,000 meters above the sun, out of fuel, and traveling at 5771 m/s. Solar panels are too far away to work. I can't control the drone. I can't even shut off sas. Help.
  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8uMA43w68o4OFNrMzVaajNLTFE/edit?usp=sharing this is the incredible solar escape craft. it looks like this: when launched correctly (as specified in the description) it flies so far that according to the game it is on an escape velocity from the sun. I still have no idea what it's appoapsis is, it goes past the line render distance and I have yet for one to reach the top of it's arc. currently mine is at 2,000,000,000 something meters above the sun and shows no signs of slowing down significantly at a speed of 5000 m/s. (note that this is only as accurate as my memory serves me, but this thing does go to 5000 something.)
  3. I made a ship using no liquid engines, and mainly just solid thrusters. eventually i got this down to a science, and now one of my ships, the furthest one i sent (completely out of power due to lack of sunlight) has just reached Giga-meters (when the display at the top shows the letter g, and you have 13 place values) in altitude. edit: screenshot: the scary thing is that this isn't even halfway to the appoapsis yet. if i look at the map from another ship I can see where it returns. (the green line)
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