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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. OP, have you thought about CKAN integration? Nevermind I am blind.
  2. Sorry for the confusion, it is from another Mk2 mod K-Cockpit - I completly forgot about hatch menu, thanks for mentioning that! K-Cargo/Fuel tank is a great idea. What are your plans on 1.03 redesign of temperature system? B9 procedural wings work great with those parts and are FAR-ready out of the box. To be honest I just deleted all other wing parts.
  3. I've noticed few problems on 1.02: Cockpits IVAs are broken, calling out RasterPropMonitor initialization error. J Cargo Bay doors does not shield from heating, most possibly error with drag cubes. Also it does not provide lift when closed, tested with FAR. Changing FAR to Garabedian, will check that one again. K-Space Shuttle Cockpit holds 4 kerbals, but only 2 of them are avaible in flight to EVA/IVA, 2 of them are stuck inside and there is no way to get them out properly. Don't know if intended or not, RCS nozzles on Mk2 Nosecone have 3-4* offset, and throw ship RCS balancer off. Have I missed any quickfixes on those or am I special snowflake and nobody else is getting this?
  4. Oh well, back to SP+ wings then... Thanks for the help though.
  5. Hello, can somebody explain to me why swing wings do not swing for me? F-14 wing, X-02 and folding wings all generate no lift when used. Im using B9 (rather obvious), FAR, KW-R, Romfarer Lazors, SP+, and numerous fixes for time control, node management etc, etc.
  6. I am using Active Texture Management by rbray89 and problem still occurs. And I want to highlight that problem occurs with or without texture compression. Also, Interstellar on new copy of game is lacking those textures too.... Can somebody just send me textures for those parts: - 1.25m and 62.5cm fussion reactor - Small and normal radial radiator. - All folding radiators - OMEGA and GEKKO fusion reactors. And I may just found the problem. in .cfg file for radial radiator mesh is loaded from "mesh = model.mu", yet only mesh I see INSIDE the folder of radial radiator is "rheat.mu". It may be just me, but it seems to be the problem, still, I do not know anything about modding KSP so I leave it up to you: is this a source of my problems or not?
  7. On this copy of KSP i got only a B9 pack and Interstellar mod + MechJeb 2.1.1. Thats all. On another one I got like 7 or 8 mods installed and it is pretty much working w/o problems.
  8. I've made sure that archive is right and not damaged, reinstaled mod 3 times, downloaded 2 times. It just seems to not load up the textures...
  9. As noone answered me, I ask one more time: Can anybody help me with missing textures in this mod? I am missing textures of: - radiators (all unfolding ones, inline and big flat radiator have their textures), - 1.25m fusion reactor and 62.5 cm fusion reactor, - small radial radiator alongside with radial radiator. If anyone have any idea how to fix it or how can I make my report more usefull please tell. BR, JJ
  10. Evening, got some trouble with folding radiators, seems that KSP don't load up their textures in hangars or on the launch pad, those parts appear as blank white. image EDIT: fixed image link
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